Request for Extension Beyond Program Time Limits

Request for Program Extension (PDF)

Use this form to:

Request to continue studies beyond graduate program time limits.

Students who have reached the maximum time allowed for their program, as stipulated by the Senate of the University, and identified in the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar (program time limits) must submit this form to their academic unit to request to continue their studies beyond program time limits. Students must submit this form even if they anticipate completing degree requirements in the next term.

The first extension(s) when a student is within three terms beyond program term limits is approved at the Department/School level. Further extensions beyond three terms past time limits must be approved at the faculty level, by the associate dean, Graduate Studies.

Additional information about the program extension process can be found on the GSPA program extension web page.

It is important to note the deadlines: Requests for Program Extension are due in the term prior to the requested extension term. For a fall term request, the deadline is August 1, for a winter term request, the deadline is December 1, for a spring term request, the deadline is April 1 (unless your academic unit specified otherwise). If a request for continuation is not submitted by this deadline, students will be required to withdraw  from their program.