
When will these courses be offered?

Explore our course offerings for upcoming semesters by clicking the dropdowns below!

Please see the additional info tab at the bottom of this page for more information about how course offerings are structured for each semester.

Spring 2025

Anth 100

Fall 2025 Courses

ANTH 100
ANTH 201
ANTH 204
ANTH 222
ANTH 245
ANTH 251
ANTH 309
ANTH 355
ANTH 382

Winter 2026

ANTH 100
ANTH 201
ANTH 202
ANTH 204
ANTH 303
ANTH 321
ANTH 347/447
ANTH 365
ANTH 455

Future course offerings by academic year

Check out our tentative schedules for future academic years below


ANTH 100
ANTH 201
ANTH 202
ANTH 204
ANTH 221
ANTH 241
ANTH 305
ANTH 311
ANTH 330
ANTH 355
ANTH 377
ANTH 415 or 440

At least three additional courses from the "as often as possible" list


ANTH 100
ANTH 201
ANTH 202
ANTH 204
ANTH 222
ANTH 309 or 322
ANTH 320 or 321
ANTH 347/447
ANTH 355
ANTH 365
ANTH 382
ANTH 455

At least three additional courses from the "as often as possible" list

Important course offerings information

Because Anthropology cannot offer every one of its upper-year undergraduate courses every year, in the Fall of 2024 Anthropology regularized its course offerings so that students would know up to two years in advance when specific ANTH courses will be offered. We therefore identified five undergraduate courses that we plan to offer at least once every year:

ANTH 100; 201; 202; 204; 355

We have identified 13 additional courses that we plan to offer every second year, so that every student will have an opportunity in either their third or fourth year to take any of them:

ANTH 221; 222; 241; 305; 309 or 322; 311; 330; 347/447; 365; 377; 382; 415 or 440; 455

We will offer the remaining ANTH courses in the calendar "as often as possible" but it is likely that several years may pass between offerings:

ANTH 106; 245; 251; 272; 290; 292; 303; 312; 331; 350; 372; 381; 430; 465

Undergraduate Academic Calendar

The University of Waterloo's Undergraduate Studies Academic Calendar includes details about all programs, guidelines, and policies for undergraduate studies, including our course descriptions.