General working papers
- Working Paper Number 1 – by George Francis: Overview of Concepts and Insights From Complex Systems (.pdf), 2005
- Working Paper Number 2 – by George Francis: Insights and Applications from International Studies of Earth Systems Science (.pdf), 2005
- Working Paper Number 3 – by Sally Lerner: Governance for Sustainability: Dynamics of Collaborative Arrangements (.pdf), 2006
- Working Paper Number 4 – by Rebecca Pollock & Sally Lerner: Working Paper on Citizen Engagement in Governance for Sustainability (.pdf), 2008
- Working Paper Number 5 – by Sally Lerner: Smart Growth’ Communities: How Well Will They Sell? (.pdf), 2009
- Working Paper Number 6 – by George Francis: Canadian Biosphere Reserves and Social Innovations: An Exploration (.pdf), 2009
- Research Report for Long Point Biosphere Reserve – by Graham Whitelaw & Dan McCarthy: Exploring Sustainable Development Activities for the Long Point World Biosphere Reserve: Sustainability Workshop Series Final Report, 2006
- Transforming post-secondary level learning: a theoretical and practical investigation of sustainability education (.pdf) – by Cate Ahrens, 2008
Governance matters working papers
- Working Paper 1 - By George Francis: Introduction to our approach and rationale. Three conceptual lenses, empirical generalizations from other case study based research (.pdf)
- Working Paper 2 - By George Francis: Synoptic overview of governance associated with model forests and biosphere reserves at international, federal-provincial and local jurisdictional levels (.pdf)
- Working Paper 3 - By George Francis: Governance framework for individual biosphere reserves and model forests. Structures, funding, program strategies, and project activities. Organizational development (.pdf)
- Working Paper 4 - By George Francis: Political modernization and “meta-governance” - Inter-systemic “collibration” as special cases of meta-governance. Three examples of spatio-temporal fixes (.pdf)
- Working Paper 5 - By George Francis:Interpretations from the actor coalition framework. Jurisdictional levels. Reconciling competing coalitions. Scaling-up and re-framing issues. The forestry sector in Canada and model forests (.pdf)
- Working Paper 6 - By George Francis: Interpretations from the institutional analysis and development (IAD) framework. Elements of the "commons" in governance. Social construction of "place" (.pdf)
Innovation and sustainability working papers
- Working Paper 1 - by George Francis: Prologue: Introduction to our approach and rationale. Three major approaches to generate innovations. Issues raised in international programs and literatures from difference perspectives (.pdf)
- Working Paper 2 - by George Francis: Synoptic overview of strategies and programs to develop a Canadian Innovation System for the new knowledge-based economy. Main issues being raised by official reviews, independent academic reviews and commentaries. Preliminary concluding observations (.pdf)
- Working Paper 3 - by George Francis: Synoptic overviews of strategies and programs in Canada related to Eco-Innovations. Three parallel themes, each with several "diiscursive domains", are unfolding. Some main issues raised by each are noted and a number of examples are described (.pdf)
- Working Paper 4 - by George Francis: Synoptic overview of strategies and programs for Social Innovation in Canada. Examples of recent and current initiatives. Some main issues that arise about social innovation and how to make it effective (.pdf)
- Working Paper 5 - by George Francis: Repositioning the forest industry to become a leading sector in the 21st century’s knowledge-based economy. Goals, strategies and rationales. Local initiatives leading to innovations in the Canadian Model Forest Network (CMFN). Corporate re-structuring. A three way divergence in a world of accelerating change (.pdf)
- Working Paper 6 - by George Francis: The wide variety of community-based innovations in Canada (and elsewhere) to enhance local level sustainability. Phase cycles and cross-scale forces influencing them. Reflections on institutional and policy approaches that seem to enhance the emergence of major adaptations and innovations in different situations. Collaborative re-framing of what needs to be done and how. Three examples of substantial institutional reforms for enhanced sustainability currently being increasingly promote (.pdf)
A sizeable collection of materials related to the Canadian Model Forests and Forest Communities programmes was gathered by Professor George Francis in the course of our research project. He has organized and catalogued these materials and has donated them to the Archives in the Wilfrid Laurier University library as part of a much larger collection, the "Francis fonds". The archived materials are introduced and listed in document posted here.
George Francis, An archive of materials related to the Model Forests and Forest Communities Programs in Canada (.pdf), August 2013, 80pp.