- Robert B. Gibson, Daniel D.P. McCarthy, Kiri Staples, Kira Cooper, Geneva Cloutis, Dayna Nadine Scott, Meinhard Doelle, A. John Sinclair and Jordan Bean, Synthesis at the nexus of sustainability assessment, regional/strategic assessment and Indigenous partnerships (.pdf), report prepared with support form the Knowledge Synthesis Grant Program: Informing Best Practices in Environmental and Impace Assessments of the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada and the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada, September 2020. 119pp.
- Cole Atlin, Pushing for better: confronting conflict, unsustainability and colonialism through sustainability assessment and regional assessment in the Ring of Fire (.pdf), PhD Dissertation, SERS, University of Waterloo, March 2019.
- Emily Caddell, ERS, University of Waterloo, Sustainability and Indigenous Interests in Regional Land Use Planning: Case Study of the Peel Watershed Process in Yukon, Canada (.pdf), Masters thesis, SERS, University of Waterloo, September 2018.
- Robert B. Gibson, Meinhard Doelle and A. John Sinclair, Next generation environmental assessment for Canada: basic principles and components of generic design (.pdf), monograph, August 2016, 89pp.
- Jeffrey Thomson, The duty to consult and environmental assessments: a study of mining cases from across Canada (.pdf), masters thesis, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability (SERS), University of Waterloo, 2015.
- Rebecca Dyck, Including future generations in environmental assessments and impact and benefit agreements: An alternative dispute resolution analysis (.pdf), senior honours thesis, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability (SERS), University of Waterloo, April 2013.
- Tanya I. Markvart, Basic requirements for environmental assessments of pits and quarries (.pdf), 18 March 2012.
- Chongatera Godfred Tigawuve, Environmental assessment through comprehensive studies and review panel process options under the Canadian Environmental Assessment: a comparative review of public influence in the EA process (.pdf), masters thesis, Dalhousie Law School, 2012.
- Deborah Carver, Robert B. Gibson, Jessie Irving and Erin Burbidge, Inter-jurisdictional Coordination of EA: Challenges and opportunities arising from differences among provincial and territorial assessment requirements and processes (.pdf), a commissioned report prepared for the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, through the Environmental Planning and Assessment Caucus, 20 November 2010, 121pp.
- Hugh Benevides, Denis Kirchhoff, Robert Gibson and Meinhard Doelle, Law and Policy Options for Strategic Environmental Assessment in Canada (.pdf), report commissioned by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, September 2008, revised October 2009, 88pp.