- Robert B. Gibson, “An initial evaluation of Canada’s new sustainability-based Impact Assessment Act (.pdf),” Journal of Environmental Law and Practice, 33:1 (March 2020), pp.1-34.
- Alberto Fonseca and Robert B. Gibson, “Testing an Ex-ante Framework for the Evaluation of Impact Assessment Laws: Lessons from Canada and Brazil,” Environmental Impact Assessment Review 81 (2020) 106355, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2019.106355
- Meinhard Doelle and A. John Sinclair, “The new IAA in Canada: From revolutionary thoughts to reality,” Environmental Impact Assessment Review 79 (2019) 106292, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2019.106292
- Robert B. Gibson, Karine Péloffy and Meinhard Doelle, “Challenges and opportunities of a forthcoming strategic assessment of the implications of international climate change mitigation commitments for individual undertakings in Canada,” Sustainability 10:10 (2018) 3747, 21pp., https://doi.org/10.3390/su10103747
- John Sinclair, Meinhard Doelle and Robert B. Gibson, “Implementing next generation assessment: a case example of a global challenge,” Environmental Impact Assessment Review 72 (September 2018), pp.166-176, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2018.06.004
- Cole Atlin and Robert B. Gibson, “Lasting regional gains from non-renewable resource extraction: the role of sustainability-based cumulative effects assessment and regional planning for mining development in Canada,” The Extractive Industries and Society 4 (2017), pp.36-52, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.exis.2017.01.005
- Robert B. Gibson, Meinhard Doelle, A. John Sinclair, “Fulfilling the promise: basic components of next generation environmental assessment (.pdf),” Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 29 (2016), pp.251-276.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Turning mines into bridges: gaining positive legacies from non-renewable resource projects (.pdf),” Journal of Aboriginal Management 15 (October 2014), pp.4-8.
- Meinhard Doelle, “The role of EA in achieving a sustainable energy future in Canada: a case study of the Lower Churchill Panel Review (.pdf),” Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 25: (2013), pp.113
- Meinhard Doelle, Nigel Bankes and Louie Porta, “Using strategic environmental assessments to guide oil and gas exploration decisions: applying lessons learned from Atlantic Canada to the Beaufort Sea (.pdf),” Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law 22:1 (2013), pp.103-116.
- Meinhard Doelle, “CEAA 2012: the end of federal EA as we know it? (.pdf),” Journal of Environmental Law & Practice, 24:1 (2012), pp.1-17.
- A.P. Diduck, A.J. Sinclair, G. Hostetler and P.J. Fitzpatrick, “Transformative learning theory, public involvement and natural resource and environmental management,” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 55:10 (2012), pp.1311-1330.
- Robert B. Gibson, “In full retreat: the Canadian government’s new environmental assessment law undoes decades of progress (.pdf),” Impact Assessment and and Project Appraisal 30:3 (2012), pp.179-188; DOI: 10.1080/14615517.2012.720417.
- A. John Sinclair, Gary Schneider and Lisa Mitchell, 2012. “Environmental impact assessment substitution: experiences of public participants,” Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 30:2 (2012), pp.85-94.
- H. Spaling, J. Montes and A. J. Sinclair, A.J. , “Best practices for promoting participation and learning for sustainability: lessons from community-based environmental assessment in Kenya and Tanzania,” Journal of Environmental Assessment, Policy and Management, 13:3(2011), pp.343-366.
- Robert B. Gibson, Hugh Benevides, Meinhard Doelle and Denis Kirchhoff, “Strengthening strategic environmental assessment in Canada: an evaluation of three basic options (.pdf),” Journal of Environmental Law and Practice, 20:3 (2010), pp.175-211.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Three analyses of the amendments to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act made through the Budget Implementation Act, 2010,” Canadian Environmental Law Reports, 3rd series, 51:2 (2010), pp.184-216.*
- Meinhard Doelle and A. John Sinclair, “Mediation in environmental assessments in Canada: unfulfilled promise? (.pdf)” Dalhousie Law Journal 33:1 (2010), pp.117-152.
- Peter Croal, Robert B. Gibson, Charles Alton, Susie Brownlie and Erin Windibank, “A decision-maker’s tool for sustainability-centred strategic environmental assessment (.pdf),” Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 12:1 (March 2010), pp.1-27.
- Meinhard Doelle, “The implications of the SCC Red Chris decision for EA in Canada (.pdf),” Journal of Environmental Law and Practice, 20:2 (2010), pp.161 - 172.
- Patricia J. Fitzpatrick and A. John Sinclair, “Multi-Jurisdictional Environmental Impact Assessment: Canadian Experiences,” Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 29:4 (2009), pp. 252-260.