Biosphere Sustainability Project participants have:
- prepared general working papers on complex open systems, governance for sustainability and social innovation, and two major working paper series – on governance matters and innovation and sustainability, drawing ideas from multiple sources and focusing on the experiences of biosphere reserves and model forests
- examined the range and extent of “social innovations” in Canadian biosphere reserves, especially examples of a two-way “scaling-out” process through adoption of interesting ideas from various sources, as well as local initiatives that are at different phases of the innovation process
- contributed, on behalf of the Canadian Biosphere Reserves Association and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, to the preparation of documentation required for a proposed expansion of the Long Point Biosphere Reserve, and to preparations for the nomination of a proposed Oak Ridges Moraine/Greenbelt Biosphere Reserve
- contributed to the required periodic reviews of biosphere reserves in Canada, e.g. Waterton Biosphere Reserve, Alberta, 2008; Mount St-Hilaire Biosphere Reserve, Quebec, 2008; Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve, Saskatchewan, 2009
- built a sustainability and complex systems based contextual framework for monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of major growth management planning initiatives in the Oak Ridges/Greenbelt area surrounding the Greater Toronto Area.