- Anna Johnston, Robert Gibson, Roberta Frampton Benefiel, Jamie Kneen, Meinhard Doelle and Hugh Benevides, “Analysis and Recommendations concerning Impact Assessment Agency of Canada Guidance on Assessing Projects’ Contribution to Sustainability (.pdf),” included in Recommendations of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Caucus of the Canadian Environmental Network, 20 January 2021.
- Robert B. Gibson, “The purpose of assessment and the implications for assessment law,” panel presentation, Ontario Association for Impact Assessment, 2020 Webinar Series, Webinar 1, History and trends of EA in Ontario and what has been enacted under Bill 197 (online) 5 November 2020, webinar: https://oaia.on.ca/history-of-ea-in-ontario-and-the-path-forward/
- Robert B. Gibson, “Review of amendments to Bill C-69 proposed by the Senate in its message to the House of Commons 6 June 2019, with particular attention to amendments related to the Impact Assessment Act,” submitted to selected members of the House of Commons, 7 June 2019, 22pp., online at https://www.scribd.com/document/412759842/Gibson-Review-of-Senate-Amendments-to-C-69-7-June-2019
- Robert B. Gibson, “Assessment of projects would improve under Bill C-69,” Policy Options, 1 April 2019, https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/april-2019/assessment-projects-improve-bill-c-69/
- Robert B. Gibson, “Submission to the Senate of Canada Standing Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources for the review of Bill C-69,” 15 March 2019, 11pp., online: https://sencanada.ca/content/sen/committee/421/ENEV/Briefs/2019-03-15_C-69_RobertGibson_e.pdf; associated presentation to the Committee, 1 April 2019, video at https://sencanada.ca/en/sencaplus/news/impact-assessment-act/
- Robert B. Gibson, “Basic framing of guidance for consideration of “contribution to sustainability in project and strategic level assessments and decision making (.pdf),” prepared for the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency workshop on guidance for sustainability under the Impact Assessment Act, Ottawa, 15 November 2018.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Sustainability in the proposed new federal assessment law as proposed: an initial report card (.pdf),” supplementary submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development concerning its review of the proposed Impact Assessment Act in Bill C-69, 6 April 2018, 5pp.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Recommended amendments concerning four key requirements for next generation assessment law and process: contribution to sustainability as the core purpose and main basis for decision making in the public interest, identification of best options of alternatives, effective application to project level undertakings, and effective application to regional and strategic undertakings (.pdf),” submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development concerning its review of the proposed Impact Assessment Act in Bill C-69, 21 March 2018 and 6 April 2018, 23pp.
- Anna Johnston, Robert Gibson, Karine Péloffy, Josh Ginsberg, Jamie Kneen, Aerin Jacob, Patrick DeRochie, John Sinclair, Justina Ray and Stephen Hazell, “Guide for reviewing the environmental assessment bill: essential elements of next generation EA,” briefing paper, 11pp., https://ecojustice.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/2018-01-25-ea-bill-brief-final.pdf, posted by West Coast Environmental Law, 25 January 2018; also in French, Guide pour le revision du project de loi Canadienne sur l’évaluation environnnementale (2012): elements essentiels de l’évaluation environnementale de nouvelle génération, posted by Le Centre Québécois du Droit de l’environnement, January 2018.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Sustainability foundations for new federal assessment law (.pdf),” a submission to the Government of Canada’s Environmental and Regulatory Reviews Process, 28 August 2017, 98pp., posted at https://www.discussionpaper.ca/ (under “read the submissions”).
- Meinhard Doelle and A. John Sinclair, “EA Expert Panel Report: Reflections on Canada’s proposed next generation assessment process,” April 2017, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2959453
- Robert B. Gibson and Amy V. Robinson, “Assessing the legacy effects of mining,” presentation to IAIA 2013 Impact Assessment: the Next Generation, Calgary, Canada, 15 May 2013.
- Robert B. Gibson and A. John Sinclair, “Harmonizing upward: more advanced and more strategic,” IAIA 2013 Impact Assessment: the Next Generation, Calgary, Canada, 14 May 2013.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Revision of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act as a next generation regime,” presentation and submission to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development concerning the review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 3 November 2011, plus supplementary submission, “React to the symptoms or treat the underlying problems? A comparison of two basic approaches to addressing the deficiencies of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act,” 28 November 2011.
- Robert B. Gibson, “What might happen if Canada’s oil and gas ambitions were to face next generation environmental assessment,” invited paper presented to Clean Energy Superpower and Environmental Assessment: Canada’s Ambitions and Choices,” conference of the Queen’s University Institute for Energy and Environmental Policy, Kingston, 15 April 2011.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Next generation environmental assessment,” invited paper presented to Reviewing Environmental Law: A Conference for Public Interest Environmental Law Practitioners, Vancouver, 4 February 2011.
- Meinhard Doelle, “Harmonizing upward under CEAA 2012: the provincial role,” IAIA 2013 Impact Assessment: the Next Generation, Calgary, Canada, 14 May 2013.