Reports and journal papers
- Robert B. Gibson, Karine Péloffy and Meinhard Doelle, “Challenges and opportunities of a forthcoming strategic assessment of the implications of international climate change mitigation commitments for individual undertakings in Canada (.pdf),” Sustainability 10:10 (October 2018) 3747, 21pp.
- Robert B. Gibson, Karine Péloffy, Daniel Horen Greenford, Meinhard Doelle, H. Damon Matthews, Christian Holz, Kiri Staples, Bradley Wiseman and Frédérique Grenier, “From Paris to Projects: Clarifying the implications of Canada’s climate change mitigation commitments for the planning and assessment of projects and strategic undertakings” – Full Report (January 2019), 233pp (.pdf).
- Robert B. Gibson, Karine Péloffy, Daniel Horen Greenford, Meinhard Doelle, H. Damon Matthews, Christian Holz, Kiri Staples, Bradley Wiseman and Frédérique Grenier, “From Paris to Projects: Clarifying the implications of Canada’s climate change mitigation commitments for the planning and assessment of projects and strategic undertakings” – Summary Report (January 2019), 31pp (.pdf).
Discussion papers
- Robert B. Gibson, Karine Péloffy and Meinhard Doelle, “The key components and provisions that need to be incorporated into assessment legislation to ensure that assessed undertakings help meet Canadian climate change mitigation commitments and duties (.pdf),” discussion paper, 6 February 2018, 50pp.
- Robert B. Gibson, Karine Péloffy and Meinhard Doelle, “Key considerations for the strategic assessment of climate commitment implications (.pdf),” discussion paper, 13 April 2018, updated 29 June 2018 and 3 August 2018, 19pp.
Briefing notes
- Robert B. Gibson, Karine Péloffy, Meinhard Doelle, H. Damon Matthews, Karen Campbell, Sara Seck and Chris Tollefson, “Climate components to look for in the new federal assessment law – will the law’s requirements be consistent with meeting Canada’s Paris Agreement commitments to climate change mitigation? (.pdf),” briefing note prepared for the Environmental Assessment Reform Working Group and the Climate Action Network, 31 January 2018.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Specifying requirements for assessments of climate-significant undertakings (.pdf),” prepared for Nature Canada and West Coast Environmental Law, Expert Workshop on a Regulatory Framework for the Impact Assessment Act, Ottawa, 18-19 July 2018, 6pp.
Formal submissions and other contributions
- Robert B. Gibson, Karine Péloffy and Meinhard Doelle, “What is needed in and from the proposed Strategic Assessment of Climate Change: a submission in response to the Discussion Paper, “Developing a Strategic Assessment of Climate Change” (.pdf),” submission to Environment and Climate Change Canada consultations on the ECCC Discussion Paper, “Developing a Strategic Assessment of Climate Change,” 29 August 2018, 34pp.