Dissertations and published reports
- Robert B. Gibson, Daniel D.P. McCarthy, Kiri Staples, Kira Cooper, Geneva Cloutis, Dayna Nadine Scott, Meinhard Doelle, A. John Sinclair and Jordan Bean, “Synthesis at the nexus of sustainability assessment, regional/strategic assessment and Indigenous partnerships (.pdf),” report prepared with support form the Knowledge Synthesis Grant Program: Informing Best Practices in Environmental and Impact Assessments of the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada and the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada, September 2020, 119pp.
- Tanya I. Markvart, “Planning for social change towards sustainability? Investigating local government strategic sustainability planning in Canada (.pdf),” doctoral dissertation, School of Planning, University of Waterloo, 2015.
- Kyrke Gaudreau, “Sustainability assessment of energy systems (.pdf),” doctoral dissertation, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability, University of Waterloo, 2013.
- Hugh Benevides, Denis Kirchhoff, Robert Gibson and Meinhard Doelle, “Law and Policy Options for Strategic Environmental Assessment in Canada (.pdf),” report commissioned by the Canadian Environmental Assessment in Canada, report commissioned by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, September 2008, revised October 2009, 88pp.
- Esther E. Lambert, “Nature island tourism: applying an eco-tourism sustainability framework to the island of Dominica (.pdf),” masters thesis, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability, University of Waterloo, 2009.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Sustainability-based assessment criteria and associated frameworks for evaluations and decisions: theory, practice and implications for the Mackenzie Gas Project Review (.pdf),” a report commissioned by and prepared for the Joint Review Panel for the Mackenzie Gas Project, final report 26 January 2006, 67pp.
- Carol Hunsberger, Robert B. Gibson and Susan K. Wismer, “Increasing citizen participation in sustainability-centred environmental assessment follow-up: lessons from citizen monitoring, traditional ecological knowledge and sustainable livelihood initiatives (.pdf),” includes case studies by Carol Hunsberger, F. Tyler Shaw and Thalia Santisteban), monograph prepared for the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Research and Development Program, April 2004, 88pp. La version francaise (.pdf)
- Robert B. Gibson, “Specification of Sustainability-based Environmental Assessment Decision Criteria and Implications for Determining "Significance" in Environmental Assessment (.pdf),” monograph prepared for the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Research and Development Programme, revised January 2002, 40pp. La version francaise (.pdf)
Journal articles and book chapters
- Kyrke Gaudreau and Robert B. Gibson, “Sustainability assessment of the agricultural and energy systems of Senegal (.pdf),” Energies 8:5 (2015), pp.3503-3528.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Turning mines into bridges: gaining positive legacies from non-renewable resource projects (.pdf),” Journal of Aboriginal Management 15 (October 2014), pp.4-8.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Avoiding sustainability trade-offs in environmental assessment,” Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 31:1 (2013), pp.1-12
- Sameer H. Shah and Robert B. Gibson, “Large dam development in India: sustainability-criteria for the assessment of critical river basin infrastructure,” International Journal of River Basin Management 11:1 (2013), pp.33-53
- Carla Grigoletto Duarte, Kyrke Gaudreau, Robert B. Gibson, Tadeu Fabrício Malheiros, “Sustainability assessment of sugarcane-ethanol production in Brazil: a case study of a sugarcane mill in São Paulo state,” Ecological Indicators 30 (2013), pp.119-129.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Why sustainability assessment?” chapter 1 in Alan Bond, Angus Morrison-Saunders and Richard Howitt, editors, Sustainability Assessment: pluralism, practice and progress (London: Taylor and Francis, 2012), pp.3-17.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Sustainability assessment in Canada,” chapter 11 in Alan Bond, Angus Morrison-Saunders and Richard Howitt, editors, Sustainability Assessment: pluralism, practice and progress (London: Taylor and Francis, 2012), pp.167-183.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Application of a contribution to sustainability test by the Joint Review Panel for the Canadian Mackenzie Gas Project (.pdf),” Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 29:3, special issue on enhancement of positive effects in environmental assessment, (September 2011), pp. 231-244.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Sustainability and the Greenbelt (.pdf),” Plan Canada 51:3 (2011), pp.38-41.
- Robert B. Gibson, Hugh Benevides, Meinhard Doelle and Denis Kirchhoff, “Strengthening strategic environmental assessment in Canada: an evaluation of three basic options (.pdf),” Journal of Environmental Law and Practice, 20:3 (2010), pp.175-211.
- Kyrke Gaudreau and Robert B. Gibson, “Illustrating integrated sustainability and resilience based assessment: a small-scale biodiesel project in Barbados,” Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 28:3 (September 2010), pp.233-243.
- Mark Winfield, Robert B. Gibson, Tanya Markvart, Kyrke Gaudreau and Jenny Taylor, “Implications of sustainability assessment for electricity system design: the case of the Ontario Power Authority’s Integrated Power System Plan,” Energy Policy 38 (2010), pp.4115-4126.
- Peter Croal, Robert B. Gibson, Charles Alton, Susie Brownlie and Erin Windibank, “A decision-maker’s tool for sustainability-centred strategic environmental assessment,” Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 12:1 (March 2010), pp.1-27.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Beyond the pillars: sustainability assessment as a framework for effective integration of social, economic and ecological considerations in significant decision-making,” in William R. Sheate, ed., Tools, Techniques and Approaches for Sustainability: Collected Writings in Environmental Assessment Policy and Management (London: World Scientific Publishing, 2009), journal paper previously published in JEAPM in 2006.
- Robert B. Gibson and Kevin S. Hanna, "Progress and uncertainty: the evolution of federal environmental assessment in Canada," in Kevin S. Hanna, editor, Environmental Impact Assessment: Participation and Practice, second edition (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2009), pp.18-36, update and revision of chapter in initial edition published in 2005.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Making a better world, one undertaking at a time: sustainability assessment and innovative decision making in Canada,” in Glen Toner, editor, Innovation, Science and Environment: Canadian Policies and Performance 2008-2009 (Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press, 2008), pp.53-73.
- Alberto Fonseca and Robert B. Gibson, “Application denied (.pdf),” Alternatives Journal 34:4 (2008), pp.10-12
- Robert B. Gibson, “Integration through sustainability assessment: emerging possibilities at the leading edge of environmental assessment,” in Kevin S. Hanna and D. Scott Slocombe, eds., Integrated Resource and Environmental Management: concepts and practice (Oxford and Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2007), pp.72-96.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Sustainability assessment: basic components of a practical approach,” Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 24:3 (2006), pp.170-182.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Beyond the pillars: sustainability assessment as a framework for effective integration of social, economic and ecological considerations in significant decision making,” Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 8:3 (2006), special issue on sustainability assessment, pp.259-280.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Sustainability assessment and conflict resolution: reaching agreement to proceed with the Voisey’s Bay nickel mine,” Journal of Cleaner Production 14: 3/4 (2005), special issue: Improving Environmental, Economic and Ethical Performance in the Mining Industry. Part 1. Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, pp.334-348.
- Rene Kemp, Saeed Parto and Robert B. Gibson, “Governance for sustainable development: moving from theory to practice (.pdf),” International Journal for Sustainable Development 8:1/2 (2005), pp.12-30.
- Carol A. Hunsberger, Robert B. Gibson and Susan K. Wismer, “Citizen involvement in sustainability-centred environmental assessment follow-up,” Environmental Impact Assessment Review 25 (2005), pp.609-627.
- Robert B. Gibson, “From Wreck Cove to Voisey’s Bay: the evolution of federal environmental assessment in Canada,” Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 20:3 (September 2002), pp.151-159.
- Kirk Stinchcombe and Robert B. Gibson, “Strategic environmental assessment as a means of pursuing sustainability: ten advantages and ten challenges,” Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 3:3 (2001), pp.343-372.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Favouring the higher test: contribution to sustainability as the central criterion for reviews and decisions under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act,” Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 10:1 (2000), pp. 39-55.
Formal submissions
- Kyrke Gaudreau and Robert B. Gibson, “Framework for Sustainability-based Assessment for the Public Utilities Board’s Needs For and Alternatives To (NFAT) Assessment of Manitoba Hydro's Preferred Development Plan and Alternatives (.pdf),” report prepared for Manitoba Public Interest Law Centre acting for the Consumers Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch), submitted to the Manitoba Pubic Utilities Board NFAT review and hearings, 26 February 2014, 66pp.
- Kyrke Gaudreau and Robert B. Gibson, “Framework for Sustainability-based Assessment for the Keeyask Hydro Project (.pdf),” report prepared for Manitoba Public Interest Law Centre acting for the Consumers Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch), submitted to the Manitoba Clean Environment Commission review and hearings on the proposed Keeyask Hydropower Project, 5 November 2013, 80pp.
- Robert B. Gibson (with contributions from Lindsay Staples, Rick Hendriks Anna Johnston and others), “Framework for Sustainability-based Assessment for the Site C Joint Panel Review (.pdf),” report prepared for the Peace Valley Landowners Association and submitted to the Joint Review Panel for the Site C Hydropower Project, 31 October 2013, 9pp.
- Robert B. Gibson and Lindsay Staples, “Comments on the 10 April 2012 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines for the Site C Project,” prepared for the Landowners Affected by Proposed Site C, for submission to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, 23 May 2012, 19pp. [item 374]
- Robert B. Gibson, “Revision of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act as a next generation regime,” submission to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development concerning the review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 3 November 2011, plus supplementary submission, “React to the symptoms or treat the underlying problems? a comparison of two basic approaches to addressing the deficiencies of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act,” 28 November 2011.
- Robert B. Gibson, Mark Winfield, Tanya Markvart, Kyrke Gaudreau and Jennifer Taylor, “An Analysis of the Ontario Power Authority's Consideration of Environmental Sustainability in Electricity System Planning (.pdf),” prepared for the Green Energy Coalition, Pembina Institute and Ontario Sustainable Energy Association, submitted to the Ontario Energy Board, in the matter of sections 25.30 and 25.31 of the Electricity Act 1998 and in the matter of an application by the Ontario Power Authority for review and approval of the Integrated Power System Plan and proposed procurement processes, 1 August 2008, 200 pp.
- Robert B. Gibson and Tanya Markvart, “Comments on the April 2008 ‘Draft Guidelines for the Preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Deep Geologic Repository of Low- and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Wastes’ (PDF),” submitted to Deep Geologic Repository Project Assessment Review, Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, Ottawa, 17 June 2008, 22pp. plus appendices.
- Robert B. Gibson and Tanya Markvart, “Comments on the April 2008 ‘Draft Guidelines for the Preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement for Bruce Power’s New Nuclear Power Plant Project' (PDF) ,” submitted to Bruce Power New Nuclear Power Plant Project Assessment Review, Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, Ottawa, 17 June 2008, 24pp. plus appendices.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Considerations for a sustainability-based evaluation of the proposed Whites Point Quarry and Marine Terminal project,” presentation and formal submission to the hearings of the Whites Point Quarry and Marine Terminal Joint Review Panel, Digby, Nova Scotia, 26 June 2007, supplemented by an addendum to the submission, plus appendices, 29 June 2007.
Other contributions
- Robert B. Gibson, “Preparing a sustainability-based argument for environmental assessment proceedings in Canada (.pdf),” advisory note, revised July 2013.
- Carla Grigoletto Duarte, Jenny Pope, Amarilis Lucia Castelli Figueiredo Gallardo, Kyrke Gaudreau, Robert B. Gibson, Tadeu Fabricio Malheiros, “Sustainability Assessment for Brazilian Ethanol: insights for the medium-term energy plan,” proceedings of Energy Future: the Role of Impact Assessment, 32nd Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment, Porto, Portugal, May 2012.
- Robert B. Gibson and Jenny Pope, “Sustainability assessment for responsible development: the Mackenzie Gas and Browse LNG Precinct projects,” paper presented at Energy Future: the Role of Impact Assessment, 32nd Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment, Porto, Portugal, May 2012
- Kyrke Gaudreau, Robert B. Gibson and Roydon A. Fraser, “Agricultural residues for bioenergy in Senegal,” paper presented at Energy Future: the Role of Impact Assessment, 32nd Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment, Porto, Portugal, May 2012
- Robert B. Gibson, “Clarification of certain key matters related to the criteria and scope of the Joint Review Panel review of the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines project and Environmental Impact Statement (.pdf),” commissioned by Barry Robinson, Ecojustice on behalf of the Living Oceans Society, the Raincoast Conservation Foundation and ForestEthics, 13 August 2011, 28pp.
- Carla Grigoletto Duarte, Kyrke Gaudreau, Robert B. Gibson, Tadeu Fabrício Malheiros, “Sustainability assessment of Brazilian sugarcane ethanol: briefing from a case study in a Brazilian mill,” in proceedings of Impact Assessment and Responsible Development, the annual conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment, Puebla, Mexico, 28 May-4 June 2011.
- Kyrke Gaudreau, Robert B. Gibson, Roydon A. Fraser, “Integrated sustainability and systems assessment: application to a small-scale biodiesel project in Barbados,” paper presented at Advances in Energy Studies 2010 Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 19-21 October 2010.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Framing an environmental assessment of NAFTA,” background paper prepared for the Commission on Environmental Cooperation Face-to-Face Meeting of Panel of Experts, Washington, DC, USA, 9 July 2010.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Testing for tomorrow (.pdf),” Alternatives Journal 34:4 (2008), pp.8-9
- Robert B. Gibson, “Sustainability assessment: creeping away from the precipice, one undertaking at a time,” presentation to a meeting of the State Sustainability Commissioners and the Sustainability Collaborative, Perth, Australia, 31 March 2006.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Integration through sustainability assessment: a non-pillar approach,” paper presented at International experience and perspectives in SEA (a global conference on Strategic Environmental Assessment organized by the International Association for Impact Assessment), Prague, Czech Republic, 28 September 2005.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Sustainability assessment as an approach to integrated decision making,” keynote paper presented to Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development in Mountain Areas of Europe: the challenge of interdisciplinary research, European Bioscene Research Project conference, Ioannina, Greece, 23 September 2005.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Sustainability assessment as an approach to the integration of socio-economic effects considerations under the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act,” Proceedings of a Workshop on Socio-economic Effects Assessment in the Yukon, Whitehorse, 1-3 February 2005.
- Robert B. Gibson, “Sustainability assessment and implications for regional effects assessment,” in CD proceedings of Environment Canada International Workshop on Regional and Strategic Environmental Assessment and the Petroleum Industry, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 23-24 May 2003, published on workshop CD, 2004.