Dereck Revington Studio recognized at the Niagara Biennial Design Awards

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Congratulations to Dereck Revington Studio, recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award in the Commemorative Landscapes category for the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial inSt. Catharines, ON.

The Fallen Workers Memorial is located between the Welland Canal Parkway and the Welland Ship Canal in St. Catharines. It is the result of a national design competition. Construction of the current Welland Canal occurred between 1913-1932. A promise was made to build a memorial to fallen workers to the 137 men that died building the Canal system; the largest loss of life in an infrastructure project in Canada. The memorial is comprised of four elements: Lock; Timeline; Steel Veil; and Gates of Remembrance.

Fallen Workers Memorial weaves a landscape within a memorial. The monolithic forms create a strong presence and speak to the engineering marvel that the workers constructed. Siting this commemorative installation near Lock 3 of the canal allows users to contemplate the fallen workers within the context of the present day canal. The Jury noted that it is a project that should have been built and acknowledged 100 years ago.

Niagara Biennial Jury Report 2020 (.pdf)