Can the buildings that we live in come alive? Could such living buildings help us to create a healthier, more sustainable future? Could they become adaptive, resilient structures that care for the planet while empathizing, comforting and inspiring us?
The Living Architecture Systems Group is pleased to announce the Living Dialogs podcast, which brings together scholars and thinkers to collectively reflect on living architecture and its implications for our changing world. In the inaugural episode, renowned architects and designers Jenny Sabin, Mitchell Joachim, and Philip Beesley discuss the principles, aesthetic, and sustainability of living architecture.
The goal of the podcast is to bring the ideas of living architecture to a wide audience. Appearing every few months, each episode consists of a podcast, interactive web discussion forum, and live webinar with Q&A. Podcast listeners will be invited to consider the same prompts as the guests, respond to them on the web, and attend a later live webinar where the same guests will delve further and engage in live Q&A with the audience.
The podcast is hosted by LASG collaborator Edgar Cardenas of the Toolbox Dialog Initiative at MSU and edited by Sascha Hastings, with digital facilitation and graphic design contributions from UWSA MArch student Bianca Weeko Martin. The webinars will occur in two weeks following the release of each podcast episode, and are moderated by the LASG's Sarah Bonnemaison from Filum Ltd. and the Dalhousie University School of Architecture.
The first webinar is coming up on April 7th, 12pm-1pm EDT.