Congratulations to Waterloo Architecture students Callum Nolan, Ethan Paddock, Patrick Stephen and Colin Willams, and faculty member Terri Meyer Boake for receiving 2nd place in the 2020 ACSA/AISC Steel Design student competition! The submission, From ‘AgriHood’ to AgriHUB, is a response to agricultural initiatives and ongoing urban issues in Detroit, MI. The project proposes a holistic agricultural hub at the core of one of the city’s poorest neighborhoods. By expanding the existing Michigan Urban Farming Initiative (MUFI) operations, AgriHub breathes new life into the surrounding abandoned buildings and lots.
From ‘AgriHood’ to AgriHUB is a clever celebration of an existing structure. Through the diagrams, you are able to see how steel comes together, not just in the architectural form but throughout the project. The students’ approach of taking a minimum gesture in material and making it a grand elegant presentation, takes the design to a whole new level. The program also works fantastic with the site and scaling. -Juror Comments