Eric Beck Rubin

Adjunct Professor
Eric Beck Rubin

Contact information

Biography summary

Eric Beck Rubin received a doctorate in comparative literature from Goldsmiths College, University of London and a master of architectural history and theory from McGill University. His areas of academic specialty are disparate – Memorials and Memory, 19th and 20th Century Literature, Fin–de–Siècle Vienna, and South Asian and Post–Colonial Studies. The common interest is in the way works of art transmit memory, and what happens when we use fiction as a means of conveying history.

Eric has taught courses on cultural history and design at Waterloo, University of Toronto and Ryerson. He is the author of the novel, School of Velocity (2016).


  • PDARCH 4 - Writing, Editing and Research
    • Taught in 2020, 2021, 2022

* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.