Safe use of medications at home is imperative to enable successful aging at home. A decline in capacity to manage medications can impact medication errors, adverse events, adherence and result in poor health outcomes, hospitalization and loss of independent living at home. Emerging medication technology has the potential to address medication management challenges. However, appropriate selection and monitoring of the use of technology is necessary to ensure expectations in adherence and health outcomes are realized.
For more information on this topic, you may refer to her article: Development of a clinician guide for electronic medication adherence products in older adults.
The following manuscripts provided the evidence for the guide: Stakeholder Feedback of Electronic Medication Adherence Products: Qualitative Analysis and A Prospective Study of Usability and Workload of Electronic Medication Adherence Products by Older Adults, Caregivers, and Health Care Providers.
Registration link: https://uwaterloo.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqfuqgqT8iGNzg7fMnk53H2ej3aXhrD6lj
Professor Tejal Patel
Dr. Tejal Patel is an Associate Clinical Professor and Co-Director, Master of Advanced Pharmacy Practice Program at the University of Waterloo (UW) School of Pharmacy, Pharmacy Lead for the MINT Memory Clinics at the Centre for Family Medicine Family Health Team and Research Scientist, Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging. Her research program and clinical practice is focused on identifying and addressing medication related problems in older persons with neurological disorders, including the role of healthcare technology in self-management by older adults.