Health and mobility are two tightly coupled constructs for people’s independence and quality of life. Recent research has shown that wearable sensors, worn continuously for several days, provide an avenue to collect health and mobility-related metrics as they occur in our daily lives. This presentation will demonstrate the utility of research-grade wearable sensors to evaluate mobility for both healthy older adults and those living with mobility impairments and provide unique perspectives on novel advances in gait and activity analytics.
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Speaker: Ben Cornish, PhD Candidate
Ben Cornish is a PhD candidate working in the neuroscience, mobility, and balance lab (NiMBaL) in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences. He worked as a gait and balance research coordinator within a province-wide multi-disciplinary research study called the Ontario Neurodegenerative Disease Research Initiative (ONDRI) before starting his PhD. In this role, he gained experience with wearable sensors and gait analytics for people living with neurodegenerative disease in both clinical and at-home environments. His current thesis project is aimed at improving gait analytics with directed to a focus on those with motor and/or cognitive impairments that can impact gait and mobility, where clinical gait assessments are particularly important, for both research and care of those living with neurodegenerative disease.