If you want to improve your golf swing, softball pitch, or tennis serve, the push-up is for you.
The push-up is a highly adaptable exercise that can be tailored to help individuals with specific needs, say a team of UWaterloo researchers who studied a modified push-up, called a ‘push-up plus.’
“Physiotherapists, kinesiologists who prescribe exercise, and individuals who want to improve their athletic performance can all benefit from this knowledge,” said Kinesiology Professor Clark Dickerson. “The push-up is highly adaptable to achieve various training goals and has applications for rehabilitation, training, and overall health.”
The study, called “Examining upper extremity muscle demand during selected push-up variants,” was written by Andrew Ho, Alan Cudlip, Daniel Ribeiro and Clark Dickerson, and was published in The Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology.
Full Story: [Waterloo News]