Mohamed Oussama Damen

Mohamed Oussama Damen

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Professor


Mohamed Oussama Damen is an Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor at the University of Waterloo.

Professor Damen has an extensive background in research positions at multiple academic institutions including École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications in Paris, France; the University of Minnesota and the University of Alberta. In June of 2004, he joined the University of Waterloo, where he then became the Nortel Networks Associate Chair in Advanced Telecommunications from April 2005 to April 2010.

His current research interests include coding theory (particularly regarding lattices, coding and decoding algorithms), cross-layer optimization, multiple-input multiple-output and space time communications, multiuser detection, and wireless communications.

Professor Damen has received several awards including the University of Waterloo ECE Research Excellence Award in 2007, Early Researcher Award in the Province of Ontario for 2007 to 2010 and the Junior Research Fellowship from the French Research Ministry in 1996 to 1999. Professor Damen has published numerous articles and journals with, and is currently a senior level member of, IEEE.


Research Interests

  • Coding Theory
  • Cross-Layer Optimization
  • Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)
  • Space-Time Communications
  • Multiuser Detection
  • Wireless Communications
  • Communication & Information Systems
  • Connectivity and Internet of Things
  • IoT
  • Communications and Access

Application Areas

  • Data Science

Technology Areas

  • Machine Learning/AI

Discipline Areas

  • Computer Science
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering