F*ck Perfect (FP) is a community-building, artist-facilitated workshop offered to empower participants to speak back to the pressure to be perfect through multidisciplinary artistic exercises and to build creative confidence in the service of the community we create together.  This 1.5hr F*ck Perfect workshop will provide trauma-informed, creative arts programming that works to resist the pressures of perfectionism, increase creative confidence, and support self-exploration and expression in a context that is not medicalized, service-based, or tied to expectations of specific changes. Rather, FP is a practice-based, community-focused approach that generates opportunities for connection and creation.


Michelle Peek (she-her) is a community-engaged educator. She is interested in the transformative role of art in community-based social justice projects and mental wellbeing. She has a keen interest in issues of embodiment and representation, human rights, and what it means to exist together in a complicated global landscape. Michelle holds a PhD in English and Cultural Studies from McMaster University, where she studied love and belonging in contemporary queer, Indigenous, and human rights literature. She currently resides in Guelph where she is a portrait and documentary-style photographer, and Founder and Creative Director of the non-profit organization Art Not Shame.

Who can join?

Undergraduate and graduate students.

When and how do we meet?

The group meets in-person on Friday, July 14th – 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. – Lower Flex Space - SLC 0131.

How to register

If you're interested in attending, please register on portal.