Algebraic Combinatorics - Angele Hamel

Thursday, July 4, 2019 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Title: Fun with Pfaffians: Identities for Schur Q-Functions

Speaker: Angele Hamel
Affiliation: Wilfrid Laurier University
Room: MC 5417


Schur functions determinantal identities (e.g. Jacobi-Trudi, Giambelli) are cornerstones of symmetric function theory. Less well-known are the Pfaffian identities for Schur Q-functions. In this talk we give an introduction to this parallel Pfaffian universe and review the known identities. Along the way we show that a recent result of Okada is a special case of general theorem (Hamel 1996), and that our Pfaffian identities apply to a number of Schur Q-function variations, including factorial.

This is joint work with Ron King.