USRA Seminars - Ghislain McKay & Linda Cook

Tuesday, July 19, 2016 2:30 pm - 3:20 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Title: Counting Generalised Proper Colourings

Speaker: Ghislain McKay
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Room: MC 6486

Abstract: When colouring a graph, we are often interested in proper colourings. We generalise the notion of proper colouring by requiring that only a subset of the colour classes be stable sets. Counting the number of such colourings yields interesting sequences of numbers. We conjecture that these sequences are logarithmically concave.

Title:The Colin de Verdière Invariant

Speaker: Linda Cook
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Room: MC 6486

Abstract: In 1990, Yves Colin de Verdière introduced an interesting graph invariant μ based on matrices that encode a graph’s adjacency. It has been shown that μ is minor monotone and μ < 2, 3, 4 characterizes the outerplanar, planar and linklessly embeddable graphs, respectively. In this talk we will introduce the Colin de Verdière invariant as well as this summer’s work towards determining μ for certain strongly regular graphs.