Vanstone memorial issue of Designs, Codes and Cryptography

Monday, October 5, 2015

The Special Issue on Cryptography, Codes, Designs and Finite Fields: In Memory of Scott A. Vanstone has been published (Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Volume 77, Issues 2-3, December 2015, edited by Ian Blake, Alfred Menezes and Doug Stinson). The special issue includes a guest editorial with tributes from some of Scott's colleagues and a list of Scott's PhD students and publications, and 25 contributed research articles.

Scott Vanstone passed away on March 2, 2014. He received his PhD in

Scott Vanstone
mathematics in 1974, working under the supervision of Professor RonMullin. Scott was a professor at St. Jerome's University and Waterloo's C&O department until his retirement in 2009. He was appointed distinguished professor emeritus of mathematics at the University of Waterloo in 2009.