Multi-scale modelling of infectious diseases

Tuesday, January 26, 2016 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Speaker: Jane Heffernan, York University research chair in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics

A video of this talk is available below or on Vimeo.


Infectious diseases affect individuals (immunology) and populations (epidemiology). While these two scales of infection are intimately linked, the vast majority of studies of infectious diseases ignore the effects of the other scale. This means that public health control programs may either under-estimate, or over-estimate the need of vaccines, therapeutics or education programs, depending on the simplifying assumptions on the other scale of infection. Mathematical models that link the in-host and population scales of infection can better inform public health programs so that infection control can be achieved. In this talk I will discuss mathematical models that link in-host effects to population level infection outcomes. In particular, we will discuss the effects of vaccination, waning immunity, and behaviour change. Influenza, measles, and pertussis (whooping cough) among other diseases will be highlighted.


Jane Heffernan
Jane Heffernan (BSc Trent, BEd Queen’s, MSc Western, PhD Western, PDF Warwick, U.K.) is a York University research chair in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Heffernan leads the Modelling Infection and Immunity lab (MI2), and is the director of the Centre for Disease Modelling (CDM). The MI2 lab develops multi-scale quantitative methods for evidence-based health policy, from within a host (immunology) to a population of hosts (epidemiology), including decision-making processes at government and individual levels. The MI2 lab is funded by NSERC, CIHR, MITACS, PHAC, and the Government of Ontario. Dr. Heffernan is involved in international immunization and public health research networks, and serves on the International Society for Mathematical Biology board of directors. She has organized workshops, summer schools and mentoring programs, and has developed an undergraduate program in mathematical biology. Awards include the Governor General’s Gold Medal, NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship (Warwick, U.K.), NSERC University Faculty Award, MRI Ontario Early Researcher Award, and the CAIMS-PIMS Early Career Award.

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