Ryan Browne
Email: ryan.browne@uwaterloo.ca
Research Interests: Statistical Computing and Data Visualization
Link to Profile: Ryan Browne
Email: ryan.browne@uwaterloo.ca
Research Interests: Statistical Computing and Data Visualization
Link to Profile: Ryan Browne
Email: ben.feng@uwaterloo.ca
Research Interests: Computational Finance, Computational Optimization, Monte Carlo and Stochastic Methods
Link to Profile: Ben Feng
Email: wakolkiewicz@uwaterloo.ca
Research Interests: Statistics and financial mathematics
Link to Profile: Adam Kolkiewicz
Email: clemieux@uwaterloo.ca
Research Interests: Quasi-Monte Carlo methods and their applications
Link to Profile: Christiane Lemieux
Email: mlysy@uwaterloo.ca
Research Interests: Continuous stochastic processes, Graphical and hierarchical modeling, Mediation analysis
Link to Profile: Martin Lysy
Email: pmarriott@uwaterloo.ca
Research Interests: Theoretical and applied work
Link to Profile: Paul Marriott
Email: rwoldford@uwaterloo.ca
Research Interests: Statistical reasoning, exploratory data analysis, data visualization, and the development of interactive computational environments that support these activities
Link to Profile: Wayne Oldford
Email: yingli.qin@uwaterloo.ca
Research Interests: Hypothesis testing for high-dimensional data with applications to gene sets testing and estimating and testing for large dimensional covariance matrices using the random matrix theory
Link to Profile: Yingli Qin
Email: michael.wallace@uwaterloo.ca
Research Interests: Causal inference, with a specific focus on dynamic treatment regimes (DTRs) and personalized medicine
Link to Profile: Michael Wallace
Email: samuel.wong@uwaterloo.ca
Research Interests: Statistical computation for data-driven applications in protein folding, cell biology, and engineering
Link to Profile: Samuel Wong
Email: m3zhu@uwaterloo.ca
Research Interests: Statistical machine learning and multivariate analysis, with their applications in health informatics, bioinformatics, and data mining
Link to Profile: Mu Zhu