Associate Professor

Research interests
Ryan’s current research focus is model-based clustering and classification. In addition he is interested in measurement models, specifically in assessing the quality of a measurement system. This work was the focus of his PhD thesis.
Ryan Browne is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at University of Waterloo. Ryan has received three degrees in statistics from the University of Waterloo; BMath 2004, MMath 2006 and PhD 2009. Based on his PhD work, Ryan was awarded the 2011 W.J. Youden Award in Interlaboratory Testing by the American Statistical Association.
Selected publications
- Browne, R.P. and McNicholas, P.D. (2015), 'Multivariate sharp quadratic bounds via Σ-strong convexity and the Fenchel connection', Electronic Journal of Statistics 9(2), 1913-1938. [doi]
- Browne, R.P. and McNicholas, P.D. (2015), 'A mixture of generalized hyperbolic distributions', Canadian Journal of Statistics 43(2), 176-198. [doi]
- Browne, R.P. and McNicholas, P.D. (2014), 'Orthogonal Stiefel manifold optimization for eigen-decomposed covariance parameter estimation in mixture models', Statistics and Computing 24(2), 203-210. [doi].
- Browne, R.P. and McNicholas, P.D. (2012), 'Model-based clustering and classification of data with mixed type', Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 142(11), 2976-2984. [doi]
- Browne, R. P., R. J. MacKay, and S. H. Steiner (2010). Leveraged measurement system assessment r&r studies. Technometrics 52(3), 294–302. [doi]