Recent PhD Theses

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| 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025


Author (Supervisor(s)) Thesis
Zheng, L.
(Qin, Y., Liang, K.)
High-Dimensional Statistical Inference and False Discovery Rate Control with Covariates




Zhang, J.
(Wirjanto, T., Porth, L.)
Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Associated Risks: Applications in Finance and Insurance
Li, K.
(Cook, R.)

Design and Analysis of Studies Assessing Exposure Effects in Complex Settings

Krikella, T.
(Dubin, J.)

Methods for Improving Performance of Precision Health Prediction Models

Chen, J.
(Cook, R)
Statistical Methods for Joint Modeling of Disease Processes under Intermittent Observation
Han, X
(Schied, A.)
The roughness exponent and its application in finance
Chen, M.
(Lysy, M., Ramezan, R.)

Efficient Bayesian Computation with Applications in Neuroscience and Meteorology

Zhang, Y.
(Landriault, D., Li, B.)
Robust Decision-Making in Finance and Insurance
Zhang, W.
(Cotton, C., Wen, L.)
Estimation Methods with Recurrent Causal Events
Huang, J.
(Wu, C., Zeng, L.)
Empirical Likelihood Methods for Causal Inference
Wang, Y.
(Beliveau, A., Lysy, M.)
Modeling and Bayesian Computations for Capture-Recapture Studies
Huang, Zhenzhen
(Weng, C., Wei, P.)
Estimation risk and optimal combined portfolio strategies
Buhler, A.
(Lawless, J., Cook, R.)
Estimands in Randomized Clinical Trials with Complex Life History Processes
Jiao, Zhanyi
(Wang, R.)
Optimization, model uncertainty, and testing in risk and insurance

Hagar, Luke
(Stevens, N.)

Design with Sampling Distribution Segments
Lin, Liyuan
(Schied, A.)
Measures for risk, dependence and diversification
Jian, Jie
(Sang, P., Zhu, M.)

Edge Estimation and Community Detection in Time-varying Networks

Hou, Zhaoran (Eric)
(Wong, S.)

Sequential Monte Carlo for Applications in Structural Biology, Financial Time Series and Epidemiology

Bui, Trang
(Steiner, S., Stevens, N.)
Design and Analysis of Experiments on Networks
Lashkari, Banefsheh
(Chenouri, S.)

Measurement System Assessment Studies for Multivariate and Functional Data

Salahub, Chris
(Olford, W.)
Explorations in Pairwise Measures of Dependence and Pooled Significance
Wang, Lijia
(Zhu, Y., Cook, R.)                                                               
Joint modeling, variable selection and multiply robust estimation in mediation analysis with multiple mediators




Panahi, Mahsa
(Steiner, S.)
Statistical Methods in the Search for a Dominant Cause of Variation
Mussavi Rizi, Marzieh
(Dubin, J.)

Dynamic Treatment Regimes and Interference in Dyadic Networks: A Joint Optimization Approach

Yin, Mingren
(Cai, J.)
Risk Measures of Stop-loss and Limited Loss Random  Variables under Model Uncertainty with Applications in Insurance
Yeh, Chi-Kuang
(Rice, G.)
Methods in Functional Data Analysis: Forecast Evaluation, Robust Serial Dependence Measures, and a Spatial Factor Copula Model
Sharp, Alexander
(Browne, R.)
Functional Finite Mixture Modelling and Estimation
Jiang, Ruihong
(Weng, C.)
Several Mathematical Problems in Investment Management

Hou-Liu, Jason
(Browne, R.)

Structured Mixture Models
Wang, Qiuqi
(Wang, R)

Characterizing, optimizing and backtesting metrics of risk

Pirnia, Shahab
(Chenouri, S.)
Enhanced Backward Multiple Change-Point Detection
Araiza Iturria, Carlos Andres
(Hardy, M., Marriott, P.)
Discrimination in Insurance Pricing
Li, Wenyuan
(Hardy, M., Seng Tan, K., Wei, P.)
Individual insurance choice: A stochastic control approach
Sun, Zhaohan
(Zhu, Y., Dubin, J.)
Causal Inference and Matrix Completion with Correlated Incomplete Data
Shuldiner, Pavel
(Oldford, W.)
A mathematical foundation for the use of cliques in the exploration of data with navigation graphs




Meng, Yechao
(Weng, C., Diao, L.)
Mortality Prediction using Statistical Learning Approaches

Qi, Weinan
(Marriott, P., Shen, Y.)

Excursion Sets and Critical Points of Gaussian Random Fields

Chen, Yuyu
(Wang, R.)

Robust Risk Aggregation Techniques and Applications
Spicker, Dylan (Zachary)
(Wallace, M., Yi, G.)
Generalizations to Corrections of Measurement Error Effects for Dynamic Treatment Regimes

Jiang, Cong
(Wallace, M., Thompson, M.)

Dynamic Treatment Regimes with Interference
Dong, Gracia
(Lemieux, C.)
Constructions and applications of quasi-random point sets with negative dependence

Kim, Nam-Hwui
(Browne, R.)

Methods for Merging,Parsimony and Interpretability of Finite Mixture Models

Shum, Marco Yan Shing
(Marriott, P.)

On imprecision in statistical theory

Xu, Zehao
(Oldford, W.)

Interactive and Static Statistical Graphics: Bridge to Integration

Ramsay, Kelly
(Chenouri, S.)

Data Depth Inference for Difficult Data

Zhu, Feiyu
(Lysy, M.)

Single-Particle Dynamics in Nanoscopic Systems: Statistical Modeling and Inference

Wang, Zijia
(Landriault, D.)

On First Passage Time Related Problems for Some Insurance Risk Processes

Hintz, Erik
(Lemieux, C.)

Randomized quasi-Monte Carlo methods with applications to quantitative risk management

Mao, Fangya
(Cook, R.)

Design and Analysis of Life History Studies Involving Incomplete Data

Cheng, Lu
(Zhu, M.)

Computational Methods for Compositional Epistasis Detection




Xie, Yijun
(Rice, G., Kolkiewicz, A.)

Applications of Projection Pursuit in Functional Data Analysis: Goodness-of- fit, Forecasting, and Change-point Detection

Zhuang, Haoxin
(Diao, L., Yi, G.)

Correlated Data Analysis with Copula Models or Bayesian Nonparametric Methods

Panju, Maysum
(Ghodsi, A.)

Automated Knowledge Discovery using Neural Networks

Dang, Ou
(Hardy, M.)

Efficient Nested Simulation of Tail Risk Measures for Variable Annuities

Sucholutsky, Ilia
(Schonlau, M.)

Learning From Almost No Data

Wang, Yumin
(Landriault, D.)

Selected Topics in Variable Annuities

Yang, Ce
(Cook, R.)

Topics in Study Design and Analysis Involving Incomplete Data

Xie, Bing Feng
(Cook, R.)

Failure Time Analysis with Discrete Marker Processes under Intermittent Observation

Yuan, Meng
(Li, P.)

Semiparametric Empirical Likelihood Inference under Two-sample Density Ratio Models




Tian, Zhaoyang
(Li, P., Liang, K.)

Nonparametric Estimation in a Compound Mixture Model and False Discovery Rate Control with Auxiliary Information

Shi, Yidan
(Thomson, M., Zeng, L.)

Statistical Methods for Event History Data under Response Dependent Sampling and Incomplete Observation

Koike, Takaaki
(Hofert, M.)

Risk Analysis: Measures of concordance, their compatibility and capital allocation

Prasad, Avinash Srikanta
(Hofert, M., Zhu, M.)

Dependence: From classical copula modeling to neural networks

Meng, Fei
(Saunders, D.)

Valuation and Risk Management of Hedge Fund Investments under Alternative Fee Structures

Zhang, Qihuang
(Yi, G.)

Inference Methods for Noisy Correlated Responses with Measurement Error

Chen, Yilin
(Wu, C.)

Statistical Analysis with Non-probability Survey Samples

Fang, Junhan
(Yi, G.)

Matrix-Variate Regression with Measurement Error

Qiao, Rui
(Ghodsi, A.)

Peptide Sequencing with Deep Learning

Che, Menglu
(Han, P., Lawless, J.)

Empirical Likelihood Methods for Some Incomplete Data Problems

Cao, Jingyi
(Landriault, D., Bin, L.)

Some Stochastic Optimization Problems in Reinsurance and Insurance

He, Zhoushanyue
(Schonlau, M.)

On the Automatic Coding of Text Answers to Open-ended Questions in Surveys

Jia, Huameng
(Cai, J. )

Multivariate Risk Measures for Portfolio Risk Management
