Accreditation and exemptions by CIA, SOA and CAS

SOA Validation by Educational Experience (VEE)

How to earn SOA VEE credits

You can earn VEE credit by completing the courses listed below with at least 70%:

VEE topic

Required courses


ECON 101 and ECON 102

Accounting and Finance

ACTSC 372 and AFM 101

Mathematical Statistics

STAT 330

Links to information on each VEE topic can be found on this SOA webpage.

If you do not complete a course(s) with at least 70%, you have alternate options to earn the corresponding VEE. Find the Alternate VEE Options directory on the SOA website.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure VEE requirements are met by referring to this SOA webpage.

How to apply for SOA VEE credits

You will need to apply separately for each VEE credit by submitting official transcripts which can be ordered from the Registrar’s Office. Details on how to apply can be found at this SOA webpage.

CIA University Accreditation Program

What is the CIA University Accreditation Program (UAP)?

Through this accreditation program with the CIA, the CIA will grant exemptions/eligibility to students towards their associate (ACIA) designation with the CIA.

Recent changes to the UAP

The CIA recently announced (in April 2021) a new pathway for ACTSC students to earn their ACIA designation through the UAP, which involves completing the ACIA Capstone Exam, but without needing to write any SOA/CAS exams. Details on this new pathway can be found at this CIA webpage.

How can I become eligible for the ACIA Capstone Exam?

You need to graduate with an ACTSC major with completion of:

  • STAT 341; and
  • Two courses from this list:
    • STAT 431;
    • STAT 441;
    • STAT 443.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure eligibility requirements are met by referring to the CIA UAP website.

Is the CIA UAP recognized by other actuarial societies such as the CAS or SOA?

Candidates who have completed the ACIA requirements for Pathway 1—including a qualifying university degree and the Capstone exam with the Short-Term section—are now eligible for waivers for several key CAS Exam requirements: Exam 1, Exam 2, MAS I, and MAS II. Please refer to the CAS Webpage for details.