Undergraduate Group Overview | ISC Services to Instructors | ISC Course Allocations | Resources for Instructors
The Instructional Support Coordinators (ISCs) are here to support the department’s instructors! We focus on collaborating with instructors to create sustainable practices and programs which enhance the overall teaching and educational experiences the department provides to students.
Available Services and Support
ISCs provide support and consultation to instructors both on an ad-hoc basis and ongoing full-term support. We help course delivery in many ways, including:
- Course planning: new initiatives, assessment and grading scheme advice, textbook and courseware ordering, and any other advice or support
- Course coordination: assessment organization, remark requests, accommodation management, final grades, etc.
- TA coordination and management: TA duty assignments, scheduling, evaluation, and any additional support for TAs within the course they are assigned
- University policy consultations: academic integrity, INCs, accommodations, grievances, and any other policies that may impact your course and teaching
- Educational technology and platform support: LEARN, Odyssey, Crowdmark, Mobius, etc. and any other new technology you may be interested in exploring
- Tutorial Centre management: scheduling of in-person office hours and other possible uses of the space for course support
- Exam reviews: student viewing of exams
The ISC team are always happy to help our instructors! If you are looking for support outside of what is listed or would like more information on the support our group provides, please email the SAS ISC Team.
Requesting Course Support
Full-term support
ISCs are directly assigned to courses to provide full-term support to the instructor. Priority is provided to the following instructors/courses:
- Large enrollment, multi-section courses
- New instructors to the department or course
- PhD graduate students and post-doctoral candidates teaching
- New or significantly changed courses
*If you are looking for support for a significant number of the services ISCs provide, but do not necessarily meet the above criteria, you can still request full-term ISC support.
To request full-term:
- Select Yes for ISC support on the SAS Scheduling Preferences Survey, and include details of the support you are interested in
- Contact the Associate Chairs (Steve Drekic and Bin Li), if you were unable to fill out the survey and would like full-term ISC support
The ISC Team and Associate Chairs will determine full-term supported courses approximately one month prior to the start of term. If you request full-term support, we will reach out to provide an update on whether an ISC will be directly assigned to your course.
**STAT 230 and 231 always receive full-term ISC support.
Ad-Hoc support
If you require infrequent or ad-hoc support such as setting up an assessment through Odyssey, please feel free to email the ISC Team or contact one of us directly.
Tutorial Centre Request
Interested in providing TA office hours or need a space to provide your own office hours for your course? You can book a desk in the SAS Tutorial Centre located at M3 2101!
Please fill out the Tutorial Centre Request form or email Funmilayo with scheduling requests.
*There is no deadline to submit your hours. If you would like infrequent hours (e.g. providing office hours only prior to the final exam), this can be arranged.
Exam Viewings
Interested in providing a space for your students to review their final exam? The ISC team offers appointments for students to review their final exam in SAS courses. All viewings are done in-person under the supervision of an ISC.
If you are interested in having the ISCs facilitate the exam viewings to your students, please post the link for the Exam Viewing Appointments to your LEARN page.
Please note the following regarding the appointments:
- Exam viewing appointments will take place around the 3rd week of the following term and will run for approximately 3 weeks.
- You do not need to let the ISC team know that you are referring students to this service. However, please let us know if you have specific requests or instructions for us.
- The ISC team will access the student’s exam through Crowdmark. If your exam was not submitted through Odyssey, we may not have access to the course on Crowdmark, and you will need to add us or provide us with the physical copy of the exam.
- You can provide us with solutions to the exam to help us explain the errors in the students’ exam. This can prevent requests for grade revisions. We will ensure students cannot copy or keep the solutions.
Students can request a grade revision for their exam or ask clarifying questions. We will send these requests to the instructor. If we supported your course and were responsible for remarks, you can have that specific ISC facilitate the exam viewing and the grade revisions.