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Engineering update: Coronavirus planning for instructors

Monday, March 9, 2020

This message was originally sent to instructors in the Faculty of Engineering by Daniel Davison, associate dean, undergraduate studies.

Please see the attached memo, sent jointly from David DeVidi and Jeff Casello.  Essentially it is advising instructors to start planning, if you haven't already, for the possibility that students won't be able to write final exams in the usual manner this term, and also to consider how you might deal with projects, labs, lectures, etc. if the university ends up switching to an "online" mode.  I expect that the university will soon provide suggestions on what online tools to use, but instructors know best what will work for their particular course.  As an example, for my particular course, I'm planning to use Camtasia ("screen sharing" software) if lectures must be done online, and I'm leaning towards using the standard LEARN quiz, with random questions pulled from a large pool, to replace my final exam.  I was going to make the exam open book anyways, so I'm not especially concerned about cheating on the exam.

Stay tuned for more details from the university.  For example, I expect clarification will be provided on what "consensus of the class" means if you choose to re-weight course assignments.

Read the memo from David DeVidi and Jeff Casello.