Instructor information and resources

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Preparing for absence 

Each term, you should devise a plan with your unit head (Chair/Director) about how to proceed with class instruction in the event you become unavailable.

Should you develop symptoms or test positive for COVID-19, you must isolate. Please see the student and employee COVID—19 protocols for detailed instructions on isolation periods. You must also report the absence to your unit head so that your contingency plan can be implemented.

For more information on classroom safety, visit our Instructor Frequently Asked Questions.

Course outline requirements 

  • Every course outline should be designed with a plan that considers alternate arrangements for:  
    • a short-term (e.g., one-week) cancellation of in-person classes, whether for the particular course or University-wide; 
    • a longer-term cancellation of in-person meetings, whether for the particular course or University-wide; 
    • cancellation of in-person (midterm or final) examinations. 
  • You should include as much detail as possible in your plan to make students aware of possible scenarios. Where there are program, department, or faculty-wide contingency plans in place, you should ensure that your course plans are consistent with them.
  • Outlines should also describe accommodation that will be available for students who cannot attend classes due to self-isolation. 

Student COVID-19 cases

  • Students should be instructed not to come to class or other in-person activities if they are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or are required to self-isolate.

  • In the event of absence due to influenza-like illness or required self-isolation, students shall submit an Illness Self-declaration. Students can self-declare their illness in Quest (graduate or undergraduate students).

  • Students can find the Illness Self-declaration form in the Personal Information section of Quest. A doctor’s note for accommodation is not required. Direct students to contact the COVID-19 Support and Advice line to report their illness.

  • To see which students have completed an Illness Self-declaration for your class, follow the Quest instructions.

  • A substantial number of students away at the same time with COVID-19 should be reported to the appropriate Chair or Head as directed by your Faculty (refer to beginning of term memos from your Associate Dean for details). The authority to move a course online or make any other alterations rests with the Dean or delegate. They may consult with the Safety Office and faculty stakeholders before making a decision to move a course online or implement any other mitigating action within a class or cohort of students. Review COVID-19 recommendations for students and employees.

Classroom supplies and technology

For information on classroom supplies and technology visit the Educational Technology Hub.