Agibcona Masters of Mathematics for Teachers Awards

Award type:


Award description:

An award of $4,200 will be awarded annually to a part-time graduate student enrolled in the Master of Mathematics for Teachers program through the Centre of Education in Mathematics & Computing (CEMC) in the Faculty of Mathematics. Selection is based on current experience teaching in an Indigenous or northern/remote community in Canada. Preference will be given to a student entering their first year of the Master of Mathematics for Teachers program. However, if no eligible candidate is found, the award will be given to a continuing student who fits the award criteria.

This fund is made possible by a donation from Barry Ferguson & Angela Googh with the goal to support math education in northern, remote and Indigenous communities in Canada. The award was named in honour of the donors' ancestor, Agibcona. 

Value description:
Valued at $4,200. The period of this defined term award will be from 2020 to 2024. The first selection will be made in June 2020 and the last in June 2024. 

Eligibility & selection criteria: 

  • graduate students registered (or who will be registered) part time in Master of Mathematics for Teachers program through the Centre for Education in Mathematics & Computing (CEMC) in the Faculty of Mathematics; preference will be given to a student entering the program. If no eligible candidate is found, the award will be given to a continuing student who fits the award criteria.
  • selection to be based on candidate's current experience teaching in remote, northern and/or Indigenous communities in Canada
  • CEMC will select recipients, normally in late June


Mathematics→Mathematics for Teachers

Canadian/Permanent resident, International/study permit student

Selection process:
Application required


Additional instructions:
Interested applicants must complete an application found on the CEMC website and submit it to the MMT program director by June 15.

Contact person: