Graduate funding and awards database: Term: Spring

  • A scholarship, valued at $1,500, will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in the master’s program in the School of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering. 

  • Up to two AIMS Entrance Scholarships, valued at $10,000 each per year for up to two years, will be awarded annually to graduate students who will be registered full time in the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo.

  • An award of $4,200 will be awarded annually to a part-time graduate student enrolled in the Master of Mathematics for Teachers program through the Centre of Education in Mathematics & Computing (CEMC) in the Faculty of Mathematics.

  • An entrance scholarship, valued at up to $5000, will be awarded annually to an international graduate student registered full-time in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering.

  • Alumni Relations recognizes top graduating students for academic achievement, by awarding the Alumni Gold Medal at convocation. 

  • There are several awards created by various donors to provide funds to assist Architecture students at the University of Waterloo. Some examples of these include:

    • M1 Studio Design Award
    • Marj Schaefer Prize
    • Ron Sims Purchase Prize
  • The Department of Philosophy at the University of Waterloo is privileged to establish the Ardeth Wood Memorial Graduate Bursary.

  • A scholarship valued at $1,000, is awarded annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in the Master’s program in the School of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering on the basis of academic excellence as well as study and interest in the area of international architecture.

  • An award valued at $1500, will be provided annually to a graduate student who had previously been living in India.

  • Scholarships valued at $5,000 each will be awarded each term to graduate students registered full-time in a doctoral program in any department or Faculty at the University of Waterloo.

  • Eight scholarships valued at $5,000 each, will be awarded annually to graduate students who have applied for full-time or part-time admission to a Master's program in the Faculty of Environment and whose research addresses the challenges expected to be encountered by future cities.

  • The CGS-MSFSS Program supports high calibre Canadian graduate students in building global linkages and international networks through the pursuit of exceptional research experiences at research institutions abroad.

  • The Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has established a fund to assist University of Waterloo students who are approved to participate in a study abroad program at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem or the Rothberg International School and who have demonstrated financial need.

  • The Department of Applied Mathematics has established a number of Cathleen Morawetz Graduate Entrance scholarships (in honour of the renowned Canadian applied mathematician) to be awarded to exceptional graduate applicants. 

  • The Certificate in University Teaching (CUT) Award is given annually to a graduate student who shows a strong commitment to their development as a university teacher and demonstrates the highest achievement on completion of the CUT program.

  • The scholarship is administered by the Guelph/Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry and Biochemistry (GWC2) and is awarded annually on a competitive basis.

  • A travel award valued at $500 is provided annually to full-time graduate students registered in the Master’s or Doctoral program in the School of Pharmacy in the Faculty of Science who are presenting a paper or poster at a conference.

  • The Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Award, normally valued at $500 per term for up to three terms, is awarded to graduate students registered full time in a Master's or Doctoral program at the University of Waterloo. Eligible students must have a minimum first-class (80%) cumulative average in their current program or over the last two full-time academic years.

  • A scholarship will be awarded annually to a full-time female graduate student enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral program in the Faculty of Mathematics on the basis of academic excellence in their studies and/or research.  The value of the award will be determined by the income generated by the fund each year, however, the goal is to provide at least one award valued at $3,000 annually.

  • Several awards, valued at $250 each, will be provided to undergraduate and/or graduate students who have successfully completed CROAT 101 or CROAT 102 in the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies.

  • Travel funds, valued at up to $1,500, are available for undergraduate and/or graduate students registered at the University of Waterloo who participate in a recognized Croatian language or cultural study abroad program, an exchange program, or an approved co-op term in Croatia.

  • Several awards are provided annually to full-time undergraduate and graduate students in any Faculty who wish to participate in an international experience, including a minimally-paid or volunteer international co-op work placement, a volunteer placement, an academic exchange or a study term related to academic requirements.

  • Several awards will be provided annually to full-time undergraduate and graduate students in any Faculty who wish to participate in an international experience to Israel for the purposes of experiencing and gaining an understanding of Jewish culture, history, politics and religion.

  • Several awards will be provided annually to full-time undergraduate and graduate students in any Faculty who wish to participate in an international experience, including a minimally-paid or volunteer international co-op work placement, a volunteer placement, an academic exchange or a study term related to academic requirements.

  • These awards, valued at $5,000 - $10,000 each, will be provided annually on the basis of academic excellence to outstanding undergraduate or graduate students who have been living in Israel and are entering Year One in any Faculty.

  • Funding is available each year to support undergraduate and graduate refugee students who are sponsored by the World University Service of Canada at Waterloo (WUSC) or any other students who are recognized by the Canadian government as being refugees or protected persons.

  • The David R. Cheriton Graduate Scholarships are valued at between $10,000 and $20,000 and will be awarded annually to 40 to 75 full-time University of Waterloo graduate students in the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science on the basis of scholastic excellence, evidence of research potential, as indicated by publications, letters of reference, and a demonstrated interest in research that addresses problems associated with designing and implementing efficient and reliable computing systems, along with their effective integration.

  • The Dean of Engineering Master’s Excellence Award, valued at up to $10,000, is available to domestic students who will be registered full time in a master’s (MASc) program in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo.

  • The Dean of Mathematics Excellence Scholarship, valued at $8,000 across two academic terms, will be awarded to graduate students registered fullitime in the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo.

  • A scholarship valued at $1,000, will be awarded annually to graduate students registered full-time in the Master’s/Doctoral program in the Department of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science.

  • The Department of Philosophy Graduate Essay Prize has been established to provide funding to graduate students registered full-time in a Master's or Doctoral program in the Department of Philosophy in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Waterloo.

  • A limited number of awards are available each academic term to support doctoral students who are within the last two terms of program completion (term of award plus one additional term). The intention is to assist highly qualified, full-time doctoral students to complete their thesis writing and defence. 

    Priority will be given to applicants who identify as Indigenous*

    *For the purpose of this award, an Indigenous person is one who is a citizen or member of a First Nations community (Status/Non-Status), Métis, or Inuit as defined in the Canadian Constitution Act 1982. To protect the integrity of Indigenous graduate students eligible for specific funding, those identifying as Indigenous must be verified by the Office of Indigenous Relations at the University of Waterloo through the Indigenous verification process. 

  • An award valued at up to $2,000 is awarded annually to full-time graduate students completing their graduate degree in the department of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science on the basis of demonstrated excellence. This fund is made possible by a donation from Hilda Buckingham Irish, sister-in-law to the late Don E. Irish (former chair of the department of Chemistry).

  • Professor Clough, whose achievements this award commemorates, greatly influenced engineering education and was the founding Chair of the Department of Management Sciences at the University of Waterloo.

  • A scholarship, valued at up to $10,000, will be awarded annually to a graduate student registered full time in the doctoral program of the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science in the Faculty of Mathematics. If a suitable candidate cannot be found, two awards at $5,000 each may be awarded to students registered full time in the master’s program. Selection will be based on the student’s performance in the program;

  • A scholarship valued at $4,000, will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in their first year of a doctoral program in the Department of Chemical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo. 

  • This award was established in memory of the late M. Chandrashekar, a Professor in the Department of Systems Design Engineering for more than twenty-five years. It is expected that the awardee be a full-time graduate student at the University of Waterloo at the time of application. They may not be beyond the third term in the Master's program or the ninth term in the PhD program.

  • This award was established by colleagues and former graduate students of Professor Erwin B. Dumbroff in recognition of his contribution to plant science research and his training of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

  • A scholarship valued at $1000 will be awarded annually to graduate students registered full-time in a Master's or Doctoral program in the Department of Germanic & Slavic Studies in the Faculty of Arts.

  • The Electrical & Computer Engineering International Doctoral Student Award (ECE IDSA), valued at $1,000 per term up to program time limits, will be provided automatically without the need of an award application.

  • Interest-free emergency loans are available to full-time graduate students who are experiencing short-term financial difficulty; they are not meant to provide funding for arranging fees in order to become registered.

  • Engineering Dean's Entrance Awards, valued at $5,000, are available to students applying for admission to a master's (MASc) or doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo.

  • Awards valued between $1,000 and $10,000 will be provided to eligible graduate students who are registered full-time in the following programs in the Faculty of Environment: Master of Climate Change, Master of Development Practice, Master of Economic Development and Innovation, Master of Environmental Studies (thesis), Master of Arts (thesis), Master of Science (thesis), and any of the Doctoral programs in the Faculty of Environment.

  • Awards are available to full-time Faculty of Arts graduate students enrolled in a research-based masters or PhD program.

  • The Faculty of Arts Departmental Graduate Scholarships have been established to administer graduate student funding contributions received as part of the graduate funding package in Arts.

  • The Faculty of Arts Graduate Award has been established to provide financial support to eligible students as part of their graduate funding package in the Faculty of Arts.

  • Through a commitment of financial support from the Faculty of Arts, awards are available to encourage full-time and part-time graduate students to present their own research (oral, poster, paper) at an academic conference and engage in academic dialogue within their field of study and research.

  • Effective September 1, 2024, no new recipients will be selected for this award; previous commitments will continue to be honoured.

    Annual awards valued at $8,500 will be given to eligible domestic students entering a doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering in Winter 2015 or later.

  • Through a commitment of financial support from the Faculty of Environment, awards are available to encourage full-time and part-time research-based graduate students in the Faculty of Environment to present their own research (oral, poster, paper) at an academic conference and engage in academic dialogue within their field of study and research.

  • The scholarship, valued at $5000 will be awarded annually to a doctoral student registered full-time in the Department of Chemical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo.

  • The Fraser Award for Graduate Student Research is awarded yearly to the winner of the Management Sciences student research paper competition.

  • A scholarship, valued at $5000 will be awarded annually to a full-time University of Waterloo master's/doctoral student registered in the Chemical Engineering program in the Faculty of Engineering.

  • Awards of varying size are available to students registered in the Bachelor of Global Business and Digital Arts or Master of Digital Experience Innovation program to assist with costs (not covered by the student's tuition fees) associated with extracurricular activity that will enhance the education in their program.

  • A GRADtalks Research Dissemination Award, valued at $500, will be provided to graduate students registered at the University of Waterloo who are selected to present their research at a GRADtalks speaker series event.

  • An award valued at $500 will be awarded to a student registered full-time in a master’s or doctoral program in French Studies in the Faculty of Arts.

  • The Graduate Excellence Award in Computer Science, valued at $5,000 per year, will be awarded to doctoral students registered full-time in the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo.

  • This award is intended to provide financial support for full-time graduate students who acquire experience as a Teaching Assistant during the course of their graduate degree program.

  • One scholarship valued at $4,000, will be awarded annually to a full-time student enrolled in the doctoral program of the Clinical Psychology program in the Department of Psychology in the Faculty of Arts.

  • The Graduate Student Contingency Bursary (previously known as the Millennium Graduate Bursary) is available to international students registered full-time in a graduate program at the University of Waterloo who have demonstrated financial need resulting from extenuating circumstances* that have occurred since starting their graduate program.

  • One award valued at a minimum of $200 will be given annually to a Philosophy graduate student to acknowledge excellence as a Graduate Student Instructor in the Department of Philosophy.

  • Limited funding for up to eight months (two terms) is available to eligible students who take a parental leave (includes adoption).

  • Through a commitment of financial support from the Graduate Studies Endowment Fund (GSEF) and Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA), awards are available to encourage full-time or part-time graduate students to present their own research (oral, poster, paper) at an academic conference and engage in academic dialogue within their field of study and research. 

  • One award valued at a minimum of $200 will be given annually to a Philosophy graduate student to acknowledge excellence as a Teaching Assistant in the Department of Philosophy. Students who were Teaching Assistants (TAs) in any of the three terms in the previous year are eligible to be considered for this award. Selection will be made by the Faculty annually in May and will be based on evidence of good teaching as determined by faculty members who have worked with the TAs.

  • An award valued at $500 will be awarded to a student registered full-time in their third term in either a master’s or doctoral program in French Studies in the Faculty of Arts.

  • This scholarship will be presented annually to a graduate student in the Department of French Studies who has the best dissertation for the year.

  • Two awards, each valued at $5,000, will be awarded annually to doctoral students registered full-time in Year Four or beyond in the School of Accounting and Finance in the Faculty of Arts, with a preference for students in Year Five.

  • A scholarship valued at $10,000 is provided annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in a Masters or Doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering on the basis of academic excellence (minimum 80%).

  • A scholarship valued at $10,000 is provided annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in a Master's or Doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering on the basis of academic excellence (minimum 80%).

  • The Government of Ontario provides bursary assistance for Indigenous students with financial need, as assessed by the educational institution. The bursary is open to eligible undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at the University of Waterloo in full- or part-time studies in any degree program in any year of study. 

  • An International Doctoral Student Award (IDSA) will be provided automatically to eligible students who are registered full-time in a doctoral program at the University of Waterloo.

  • Effective May 1, 2019 (spring 2019 admissions cycle), the International Master’s Award of Excellence, valued at $2,500 per term for a maximum of five full-time terms within the allowable program time limits (6 terms), will be awarded to eligible international master’s students normally entering a research-based graduate program at the University of Waterloo.

  • These awards are supported by a variety of sources including the Bell Family Fund and Industry Canada.

  • This scholarship has been established by Dr. Norman W. McLeod, FRSC, in honour of his wife, Irene Marguerite McLeod. The recipient will normally be a graduate student in the Transport Group of the Department of Civil Engineering.

  • This bursary is in memory of James and Nora Nelson and is awarded to a graduate student with a proven financial need whose program of study or research is in Environmental Planning including land use, ecological, institutional, or other approaches to planning for the environment.

  • Scholarships valued at up to $15,000, will be awarded annually to full-time graduate student(s) enrolled in the master’s or doctoral program in the School of Pharmacy in the Faculty of Science.

  • An Award of at least $1000 will be awarded annually to a full-time or part-time graduate student who has completed their degree requirements from a fully online graduate degree program.

  • This award has been established in loving memory of Jean and William Leach by their daughter's family. The award will be presented to a graduate student currently registered full-time in the Health Studies Master's or Doctoral program. The selection will be made annually by the Graduate Studies Committee of the Department of Health Studies and Gerontology. The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the student's first year standing as of May 31.

  • A scholarship valued at $10,000, will be awarded annually to an international graduate student registered full time in any year of the master's or doctoral program of the Data Systems Group in the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science in the Faculty of Mathematics.

  • The scholarship, valued at $5,000 will be awarded annually to a full-time University of Waterloo graduate student registered in any unit of the Faculty of Mathematics. The scholarship will be awarded to a graduate student on the basis of scholastic excellence who holds an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) or another major external scholarship that requires a matching or enhancement component. If the match or enhancement becomes unavailable or a suitable recipient cannot be found, the funds will be paid out as a regular graduate scholarship. This scholarship has been established by Waterloo graduate Dr. Joseph Liu, MMath 1972, PhD Computer Science, 1976. Dr. Liu was a professor of Computer Science at York University, his two sons graduated from Waterloo in Software Engineering and Systems Design Engineering and he has a strong commitment to graduate education and to the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo.

  • This research scholarship was originally funded through generous donations from the late Winifred Shantz followed by a generous donation from the estate of Keith Shantz (Winfred’s late husband).

  • A scholarship, valued at $1,500, will be provided annually to a graduate student registered full-time in a doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering. Selection will be based on academic excellence (minimum 80% cumulative average or equivalent). Preference will be given to students conducting research in the area of Environmental Systems in Engineering with applications including but not limited to water resources management, hydrology, environmental engineering and energy and sustainability.

  • One scholarship, valued at $5,000, will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in any year of the master’s program in the School of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering.

  • An award, valued at $5,000, will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in the master’s of Architecture program in the School of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering.

  • A scholarship valued at $10,000 is provided annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in a Masters or Doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering on the basis of academic excellence (minimum 80%). International students who have graduated from any of the following IITs – Delhi, Mumbai, Ropar, Roorkee, Kanpur, and Kharagpur. If an eligible candidate from IIT is not available, students from all NIITs in India will be considered.

  • An award, valued at $5,000, will be presented annually to a full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in any year of the undergraduate or master’s program in the School of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering.

  • Up to two scholarships valued at $5,000 each are awarded annually to full-time graduate students enrolled in Year One of the Master's (thesis option) or Doctoral program in the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science in the Faculty of Mathematics on the basis of academic excellence (minimum 80% cumulative average). 

  • This award has been established in memory of Lorne Russwurm, an internationally known researcher and Professor of Geography 1967-1987. Professor Russwurm was highly regarded by students for his excellence as a teacher and advisor until his death in January 1987. 

  • A scholarship, valued at up to $1,500, will be awarded annually to a graduate student registered full time in the Social Area in the Department of Psychology in the Faculty of Arts.

  • Up to three scholarships will be awarded annually to students entering into the Master of Mathematics for Teachers (MMT) program at the University of Waterloo. Each scholarship is valued at a maximum of $15,000.

  • The main purpose of this award is to provide any outstanding full-time female doctoral student (Canadian citizen, permanent resident or student on a study permit) an entrance scholarship in the amount of $5,000 for one year.

  • Two scholarships valued at $10,000, will be awarded annually to full-time female graduate students enrolled in a master’s program in the Faculty of Mathematics.

  • The scholarship, valued at $2,000, will be awarded annually to a full-time University of Waterloo graduate student registered in the Faculty of Science engaged in research involving porous media and/or medical applications of Nuclear Magnetic Research (NMR) or MRI. Students studying in the area of biophysics may also be considered. The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of scholastic excellence. Students must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. This scholarship has been established by Sandra Burt in commemoration of the many contributions that Mik Pintar (Professor of Physics, 1967-2002) made to Nuclear Magnetic Research, and to the teaching and training of students at the University of Waterloo.

  • The Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) and the University of Waterloo are pleased to announce annual Mike and Ophelia Lazaridis Fellowships to be awarded to international graduate students based on their outstanding promise for excellence of research in Quantum Information Science.

  • A major endowment has been established to annually award 42 graduate Fellowships in Nanotechnology. Fellowships can be held simultaneously with other graduate awards. These prestigious fellowships are open to both graduate students currently pursuing nano-research at the University of Waterloo and to new students applying for admission. Applicants must satisfy the general eligiblity requirement for the University of Waterloo Graduate Scholarships. Special consideration will be given to students intending to pursue projects involving cross-disciplinary collaboration in nanotechnology. Selection of recipients for the fellowships will be made by a committee chair by the Executive Director of the Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology.

  • Three scholarships, valued at $10,000 each, will be awarded annually to full-time graduate students enrolled in the Master of Business, Entrepreneurship & Technology (MBET) Program in Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business, Faculty of Engineering.

    Recipients must demonstrate academic excellence and possess a strong entrepreneurial outlook with business concepts that have the potential to become viable businesses. Preference will be given to students who are actively working on a technology/engineering-based venture. Decisions will be made in the spring term based on information gathered during the admission process. This fund is made possible by a donation from The Esch Foundation.

  • Four awards, valued at $2,500 each, will be provided annually to full-time undergraduate or graduate students in any year in the School of Architecture who have demonstrated exceptional leadership through design excellence. 

  • Up to three scholarships will be given each term to doctoral students registered full-time in Electrical & Computer Engineering, with a preference given to students specializing in the area of communication research.

  • Each year, nominees for the Alumni Gold Medal and Governor General’s Gold Medal are considered for a designation of “Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Studies - Master’s or Doctoral”.

  • An award valued at $2,000, will be provided annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in a Doctoral program in the Faculty of Science on the basis of academic excellence (minimum 80% cumulative average) and an interest in advanced areas of multidisciplinary research with the potential to shape future technology. 

  • This scholarship has been established in memory of Professor Paul Seligman.

  • Several awards will be presented annually to full-time undergraduate students in Year Two, Three, or Four and/or master’s students in the School of Architecture.

  • This award is now superseded by the Perimeter Institute (PI) Residency Graduate Scholarship.

    Waterloo PhD students who have completed the Perimeter Scholars International program (or equivalent), have secured a faculty member at Perimeter Institute as a supervisor, and who will be resident at PI, are eligible for the Perimeter Institute PhD Award.

  • Students accepted into the Perimeter Scholars International Program will be eligible for full financial support of their program.

  • A scholarship valued at $5,000 will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student registered in the Master’s or Doctoral program in the Department of Applied Mathematics in the Faculty of Mathematics who is conducting research in Mathematical Oncology.

  • This annual award will recognize a graduate student in the Department of Political Science who has displayed an outstanding performance during their Teaching Assistantship.

  • The scholarship, valued at $1,000 will be awarded annually to a University of Waterloo graduate student registered full time in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Preference will be given to students conducting research in the area of Structures, Mechanics and Construction Engineering. The scholarship will be awarded to a graduate student on the basis of scholastic excellence. This scholarship has been established through a generous donation by the late Professor Mircea Z. Cohn.

  • An award, valued at up to $1,000 is awarded annually to a full-time graduate student currently registered in the Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry (GWC)2, which a research focus in the field of biochemistry.

  • The main purpose of this award is to provide any outstanding full-time female doctoral student (Canadian citizen, permanent resident or international student) with an entrance scholarship in the amount of $5,000 for one year. 

  • This scholarship, administered by the Guelph/Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry and Biochemistry (GWC2), is in memory of the late Prof. R.G. Goel and was established by friends and colleagues and the Hindu Cultural Society.

  • Awards, valued between $500 - $2,000, are available annually to full-time undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in the Department of French Studies in the Faculty of Arts on the basis of academic performance while overcoming a significant personal challenge or crisis.

  • Scholarships valued at up to $20,000 each will be provided annually to graduate students registered full-time in a Master's or Doctoral program at the School of Accounting and Finance in the Faculty of Arts, and the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development in the Faculty of Environment, at the University of Waterloo.

  • One scholarship valued at $20,000, will be awarded to a graduate student who is registered full-time in a Master's or PhD program and who is conducting research in topics aligned with quantum-safe cryptography.

  • Entrance scholarships, valued at $5,000 for Master’s students and $10,000 for Doctoral students, will be awarded annually to full-time graduate students registered in the Collaborative Water program.

  • Up to five awards, normally valued at $ 1,000 each, are provided to undergraduate and graduate students registered full-time in any year and in any Faculty at the University of Waterloo. 

  • In 2004, Dr. Ron Schlegel, former faculty member and long-time friend and supporter of the University of Waterloo, established an annual research award for students studying in the area of aging within the graduate program in Health. 

  • The goal of this award is to support graduate students, registered full-time in a Doctoral program in the Faculty of Science.

  • Awards, valued at a minimum of $3,375 per year, are available to support eligible graduate students registered full time in a research-based master’s or doctoral program in the Faculty of Science.

  • Two scholarships, each valued at a maximum of $5,000, will be awarded annually to Black students entering into the Master of Mathematics for Teachers (MMT) program at the University of Waterloo.

  • Several awards will be presented annually to full-time undergraduate or graduate students in the School of Architecture who enrolled in ARCH 473, ARCH 493, ARCH 671 or ARCH 691.

  • Awards, valued at a minimum of $500, will be awarded to research-based master's students and doctoral students who show successful academic progress each term. 

  • These awards honour deceased students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends of the Department of Systems Design Engineering. Awards are made, as funds permit, to full-time undergraduate or graduate students in the Department of Systems Design Engineering on the basis of academic achievement. Selection will be made by the Associate Dean of Engineering, Graduate Studies and Research. Donations have been received in memory of: Professor Muthu Chandrashekar.

  • Bursaries will be awarded annually to full-time or part-time graduate students in the Faculty of Environment who are in good academic standing and who have a demonstrated financial need as determined by the University of Waterloo.

  • A scholarship valued at $1,500 will be awarded annually to a graduate student registered full-time in a research-based Master’s or PhD program in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo.

  • Each year, nominees for the Governor General's Gold Medal who are considered, but who are not selected to receive a medal will be awarded the designation as a “University Finalist for the Governor General's Gold Medal.”

  • A scholarship valued at $4,000, will be awarded  annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in their first year of a doctoral program in the Department of Chemical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo.

  • Several awards, valued at up to $2,500 each, are available annually to full-time undergraduate and graduate students who participate in an international experience, including a minimally-paid or volunteer international co-op work placement, a volunteer placement, an academic exchange or a study term related to academic requirements.

  • This medal was created to honour Professor W.B. Pearson in recognition of his contribution to the University of Waterloo and to Canada as a research scientist and teacher. One medal will normally be awarded annually to a Doctoral student from each department in the Faculty of Science at the discretion of the department concerned in recognition of creative research as presented in the student's thesis.

  • Numerous awards are granted annually to full-time undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Year Two of their program of study who are in good academic standing and have demonstrated financial need. These awards are made possible by a generous gift from the late Walter Metzger.

  • An award, valued at $1,000, will be awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in any year in the School of Architecture.

  • The Wayne C. Fox scholarship was established to attract the very best students to the Faculty of Arts and to recognize the achievements of outstanding young scholars.

  • The Wayne C. Fox scholarship was established to attract the very best students to the Faculty of Arts and to recognize the achievements of outstanding young scholars. 

  • This scholarship has been established in honour of Professor William Tutte (1917-2002), OC, FRS, FRSC, in recognition of his fundamental contributions to mathematics.

  • Women in Mathematics Mentorship Awards, valued at $1,000, are provided to graduate students registered in the Faculty of Mathematics who lead an interesting reading or research project on a topic relevant in mathematics.

  • A scholarship, valued at a minimum of $3,900, will be awarded annually to an outstanding graduate student entering a research-based master’s or doctoral program in Electrical and Computer Engineering.