Award type:
Award description:
This award has been established to serve as a general all-compassing award for various awards set up by Conrad Grebel University College. Subject to change, currently, these include awards such as:
- Full-time Tuition Award
- Magdalena Coffman Scholarship
- Clifford Snyder Memorial Bursary
- Jacob H. Janzen Memorial Bursary
- Women of Mennonite Church Eastern Canada Theological Studies Award
- Graduate Student Support Fund
- A. James Reimer Award at the Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre
- Stephen Family Theological Studies Entrance Award
- The Reimer Scholarship in Theological Studies
Value description:
Up to $10,000 per term.
Arts→Theological Studies
Canadian/Permanent resident, International/study permit student
Selection process:
Application required
Contact person:
- For further information about this award please contact the applicable: