Ontario eSports Scholarship

Award type:
Financial need awards/bursaries; Scholarships

Refugee or protected person

Award description:
The Ministry of Colleges and Universities has allocated funding to eligible postsecondary institutions in support of scholarships for high-achieving students with financial need enrolled in programs related to the video-gaming industry that may lead to a career in the video-gaming or esports fields. See below for eligibility and selection criteria. Application deadline is January 31, 2025.

Value description:
Several scholarships valued at $2,500 - $5,000 each.

Masters, Doctoral

Open to any program

Canadian/Permanent resident

Eligibility and selection criteria:

  • Candidates must be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate or graduate program in the 2024-2025 academic year and be in a funding-eligible video-gaming, game development, game design, or a similar program that may lead to a career in video-gaming and/or eSports.
  • Students who have completed their program are not eligible.
  • This award is limited to domestic students (Canadian citizens, Permanent Residents, or protected persons).
  • In support of equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism, and supporting Indigenous initiatives (EDII), preference will be given to equity-deserving candidates or to applicants who are addressing underrepresentation issues in the gaming and eSports industry.
  • Candidates must demonstrate financial need, as determined by the University of Waterloo through a review of OSAP, out-of-province government assistance, and/or the Waterloo bursary program.
  • Upon determination of financial need, applications will be assessed based on merit, as determined by academic achievement (minimum 80% cumulative average) and demonstrated interest in the video-gaming and/or eSports industry; at the graduate level, preference will be given to those who are conducting research in this area.


Application details:
Complete the applicable online award application. Access the application on the forms web page.

Contact person: