Graduate funding and awards database: Faculty of Engineering
The Biman family has established this gradate scholarship to honour the memory of their son and brother Aapoolcoyuz Biman BASc. 1991.
ACM established the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award program to recognize and encourage superior research and writing by doctoral candidates in computer science and engineering.
A scholarship, valued at $1,500, will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in the master’s program in the School of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering.
The scholarship, valued at up to $20,000 will be awarded annually to a full-time University of Waterloo graduate student registered in the Faculty of Engineering.
An entrance scholarship, valued at up to $5000, will be awarded annually to an international graduate student registered full-time in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering.
Alumni Relations recognizes top graduating students for academic achievement, by awarding the Alumni Gold Medal at convocation.
The Amit & Meena Chakma Awards for Exceptional Teaching by a Student were established through a generous gift by Dr. and Mrs. Chakma to recognize and promote teaching excellence of our next generation of educators. The Awards are given in recognition of excellence in teaching of all kinds by registered students and are open to all students who have a formal teaching role (e.g. teaching assistant, laboratory demonstrator, sessional lecturer) at the University of Waterloo or its federated and affiliated university/college. Recipients are to be chosen from among nominees by a Selection Committee of faculty and students. They will present up to four awards each year valued in the range of $1,000 each. Dr. and Mrs. Chakma established these awards to recognize and promote teaching excellence of our next generation of educators.
A prize, with a value of at least $500, will be awarded annually to a graduate or undergraduate student registered full-time in any program at the University of Waterloo.
One award, valued at $5,000, will be provided annually to undergraduate or graduate students participating in Concept or Velocity programming at the University of Waterloo.
There are several awards created by various donors to provide funds to assist Architecture students at the University of Waterloo. Some examples of these include:
- M1 Studio Design Award
- Marj Schaefer Prize
- Ron Sims Purchase Prize
The Arthur F. Church Graduate Scholarships will be awarded annually to three full-time University of Waterloo graduate students enrolled in Mechanical Engineering who hold an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) or a Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science & Technology (QEII-GSST). The recipients are chosen by the Associate Dean, Graduate Studies, Faculty of Engineering.
With the support of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU), a Scholar Awards Program in Autism was established to ensure that Ontario attracts and retains pre-eminent scholars.
A scholarship valued at $1,000, is awarded annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in the Master’s program in the School of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering on the basis of academic excellence as well as study and interest in the area of international architecture.
An award valued at $1500, will be provided annually to a graduate student who had previously been living in India.
Scholarships valued at $5,000 each will be awarded each term to graduate students registered full-time in a doctoral program in any department or Faculty at the University of Waterloo.
A scholarship, valued at $10,000, will be awarded annually to a student who will be entering and be registered full-time in a master's or doctoral program in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering.
Scholarships, valued at $50,000 will be provided to graduate students who will be registered full time in a course-based or research-based master’s program in the Faculty of Engineering.
A scholarship, valued at $1,500, will be awarded annually to a graduate student registered full-time in a master's program in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering who persevered to return to school after a period of time away (e.g. five years) from academics.
The CAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards (DDA) recognize Canadian doctoral dissertations that make unusually significant and original contributions to their academic field. They were established in 1994 and are presented annually. There are two awards: one for engineering, medical sciences and natural sciences; and one for fine arts, humanities and social sciences. The Awards are granted by the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS) and are sponsored by Proquest.
The CGS-MSFSS Program supports high calibre Canadian graduate students in building global linkages and international networks through the pursuit of exceptional research experiences at research institutions abroad.
The Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has established a fund to assist University of Waterloo students who are approved to participate in a study abroad program at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem or the Rothberg International School and who have demonstrated financial need.
For complete award details, including eligibility, selection criteria and award value, please visit Waterloo's CIHR Doctoral Research Award webpage.
For complete award details, including eligibility, selection criteria and award value, please visit Waterloo's Tri-Agency CGS M web page.
The Canadian Water Resources Association offers scholarships annually available to graduate students whose programs of study focus upon applied, natural, or social science aspects of water resources.
Open to any graduate of the University of Waterloo Faculty of Engineering undergraduate program who is intending to pursue doctoral studies at the University of Waterloo. This fellowship will be awarded to a student undertaking doctoral research in one of the University of Waterloo Engineering Departments.
A scholarship, valued at $2,000 will be awarded annually to a graduate student registered full time in any master's or doctoral program at the University of Waterloo. Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs will advise Faculties to identify candidates and select recipients normally in the Winter term based on academic excellence (minimum 80% cumulative average in courses completed at the University of Waterloo). A separate award application is not required.
An award, valued at approximately $1,500 will be provided annually to a graduate student registered full time in a course-based Master's degree program in the Department of Management Sciences in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo.
The Certificate in University Teaching (CUT) Award is given annually to a graduate student who shows a strong commitment to their development as a university teacher and demonstrates the highest achievement on completion of the CUT program.
This award was established by Dr. and Mrs. Park M. Reilly to recognize skill in research as measured by analysis of an engineering problem, planning an efficient solution of the problem and achieving the solution with superior insight into the science and/or engineering involved. All doctoral graduates in the Department of Chemical Engineering are eligible.
The Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Award, normally valued at $500 per term for up to three terms, is awarded to graduate students registered full time in a Master's or Doctoral program at the University of Waterloo. Eligible students must have a minimum first-class (80%) cumulative average in their current program or over the last two full-time academic years.
Several scholarships valued between $5,000 and $20,000 may be provided annually to graduate students registered full-time in the Master of Business and Entrepreneurships and Technology (MBET) program in the Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology Centre in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo.
Doctoral Fellowships, valued at up to $120,000, will be awarded to full-time graduate students enrolled in the doctoral program of the Department of Systems Design Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering.
Several awards, valued at $250 each, will be provided to undergraduate and/or graduate students who have successfully completed CROAT 101 or CROAT 102 in the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies.
Travel funds, valued at up to $1,500, are available for undergraduate and/or graduate students registered at the University of Waterloo who participate in a recognized Croatian language or cultural study abroad program, an exchange program, or an approved co-op term in Croatia.
One scholarship, valued at $15,000, will be provided annually to a female graduate student registered full-time in the Master’s or Doctoral program in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering; preference will be given to doctoral candidates.
The D.G. (Greg) Mumford Scholarship will be awarded annually to a full-time University of Waterloo graduate student in the Faculty of Engineering who holds an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) or a Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science & Technology (QEII-GSST).
Several awards are provided annually to full-time undergraduate and graduate students in any Faculty who wish to participate in an international experience, including a minimally-paid or volunteer international co-op work placement, a volunteer placement, an academic exchange or a study term related to academic requirements.
Several awards will be provided annually to full-time undergraduate and graduate students in any Faculty who wish to participate in an international experience to Israel for the purposes of experiencing and gaining an understanding of Jewish culture, history, politics and religion.
Several awards will be provided annually to full-time undergraduate and graduate students in any Faculty who wish to participate in an international experience, including a minimally-paid or volunteer international co-op work placement, a volunteer placement, an academic exchange or a study term related to academic requirements.
The David Johnston International Experience Awards will pay lasting tribute to David’s unparalleled leadership as president of the University of Waterloo. These awards will celebrate his exemplary service to Canada, and will honour his commitment to promoting a better understanding among peoples of all nations.
These awards, valued at $5,000 - $10,000 each, will be provided annually on the basis of academic excellence to outstanding undergraduate or graduate students who have been living in Israel and are entering Year One in any Faculty.
Funding is available each year to support undergraduate and graduate refugee students who are sponsored by the World University Service of Canada at Waterloo (WUSC) or any other students who are recognized by the Canadian government as being refugees or protected persons.
This award has been established in memory of David Zaharchuk, a doctoral student in the Department of Chemical Engineering.
Scholarships have been established in memory of Robert M. and Doreen M. Davis.
The Dean of Engineering Master’s Excellence Award, valued at up to $10,000, is available to domestic students who will be registered full time in a master’s (MASc) program in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo.
An award valued at $4000 will be provided annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in the master's or doctoral program in the Department of Systems Design in the Faculty of Engineering who is working on skin cancer research in the Vision and Image processing lab which is a research group within the Department.
A limited number of awards are available each academic term to support doctoral students who are within the last two terms of program completion (term of award plus one additional term). The intention is to assist highly qualified, full-time doctoral students to complete their thesis writing and defence.
Priority will be given to applicants who identify as Indigenous*
*For the purpose of this award, an Indigenous person is one who is a citizen or member of a First Nations community (Status/Non-Status), Métis, or Inuit as defined in the Canadian Constitution Act 1982. To protect the integrity of Indigenous graduate students eligible for specific funding, those identifying as Indigenous must be verified by the Office of Indigenous Relations at the University of Waterloo through the Indigenous verification process.
The awards, valued at a minimum of $1,000 will be provided annually to a full-time doctoral student registered in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo whose research in structural engineering aims to advance the analytical and/or numerical technologies and has the greatest potential for impact either at the societal or theoretical level.
Professor Clough, whose achievements this award commemorates, greatly influenced engineering education and was the founding Chair of the Department of Management Sciences at the University of Waterloo.
A scholarship, valued at $4,000, will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in a research-based master’s or doctoral program in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering.
An award, valued at $1,000, will be awarded annually to full-time graduate students enrolled in the Master's program in the School of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering based on the strength of the student's research proposal and interest in the area of Architecture in Africa.
This award was established in memory of the late M. Chandrashekar, a Professor in the Department of Systems Design Engineering for more than twenty-five years. It is expected that the awardee be a full-time graduate student at the University of Waterloo at the time of application. They may not be beyond the third term in the Master's program or the ninth term in the PhD program.
The late T.E. Unny contributed significantly to the development of stochastic and statistical methods in hydrology and environmental engineering during his long and distinguished career.
Founded by Ted Cross - a pioneer in the development of technology transfer activities at the University of Waterloo - one scholarship will be presented to an outstanding student entering the Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) program. Selection will be made by the MBET Admissions Committee, based on previous academic accomplishments, financial need and the ability to demonstrate, during an interview process, the entre(intra)-preneurial attributes required to successfully complete the program.
The El Gabbani Scholarship is awarded yearly to a deserving international student entering the Master of Applied Science Program in the Department of Management Sciences.
The Electrical & Computer Engineering International Doctoral Student Award (ECE IDSA), valued at $1,000 per term up to program time limits, will be provided automatically without the need of an award application.
The Electrical & Computer Engineering Master of Engineering Award of Excellence (EMAE), valued at $1,000 per award, will be awarded to students registered full time or part time in the Master of Engineering program who are within time limits of their program.
Interest-free emergency loans are available to full-time graduate students who are experiencing short-term financial difficulty; they are not meant to provide funding for arranging fees in order to become registered.
The Engineering COVID-19 Graduate Bursary will provide financial support of up to $900 to incoming graduate students who must quarantine in a government-approved facility upon arrival into Canada.
Engineering Dean's Entrance Awards, valued at $5,000, are available to students applying for admission to a master's (MASc) or doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo.
Effective September 1, 2024, no new recipients will be selected for this award; previous commitments will continue to be honoured.
Engineering Excellence Fellowships, valued at $30,000 per year for up to four years for doctoral students and $25,000 per year for up to two years for students registered in a MASc program, in the Faculty of Engineering are available annually.
Effective September 1, 2024, no new recipients will be selected for this award; previous commitments will continue to be honoured.
Annual awards valued at $8,500 will be given to eligible domestic students entering a doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering in Winter 2015 or later.
The scholarship, valued at $5000 will be awarded annually to a doctoral student registered full-time in the Department of Chemical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo.
The Fraser Award for Graduate Student Research is awarded yearly to the winner of the Management Sciences student research paper competition.
Three awards are awarded annually based on the students’ participation in a recognized institutional Canadian-organized German language or cultural studies program abroad.These awards are made possible by a donation from Fred and Ruth Stork, and their children Michael and Marion, as loyal friends and supporters of the University of Waterloo, the Kitchener-Waterloo community and the Waterloo Centre for German Studies (WCGS).
A scholarship, valued at $5000 will be awarded annually to a full-time University of Waterloo master's/doctoral student registered in the Chemical Engineering program in the Faculty of Engineering.
These scholarships will be awarded to high quality graduate students at the Master's or Doctoral levels.
An award, valued at $1,500, is available annually for an Indigenous undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in any year or Faculty at the University of Waterloo.
Limited funding is available for this bursary program which is intended to support students whose education has been impacted by conflict, war, changing political environments or natural disasters (e.g., a natural event such as a flood, earthquake, or hurricane that causes great damage or loss of life).
A scholarship valued at $20,000, will be awarded annually to a female graduate student who is registered full-time in a Master's or Doctoral program in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Management Sciences, or Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering program wherein women are underrepresented.
Two scholarships valued at $5,000 will be awarded to students registered full-time in the first term of the MBET program in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo.
Google PhD Fellowship students are a select group recognized by Google researchers and their institutions as some of the most promising young academics in the world.
The Governor General's Academic Medals are awarded at four distinct levels: Bronze at the secondary school level; Collegiate Bronze at the post-secondary, diploma level; Silver at the undergraduate level; and Gold at the graduate level.
Several GRADflix awards will be awarded annually to graduate students who presented their research in the GRADflix competition. Selection of the first, second, third and fourth place winners will be made by an adjudication panel. The people’s choice winner will be selected by the audience.
A GRADtalks Research Dissemination Award, valued at $500, will be provided to graduate students registered at the University of Waterloo who are selected to present their research at a GRADtalks speaker series event.
The Graduate Student Contingency Bursary (previously known as the Millennium Graduate Bursary) is available to international students registered full-time in a graduate program at the University of Waterloo who have demonstrated financial need resulting from extenuating circumstances* that have occurred since starting their graduate program.
Limited funding is available for eligible research-based master’s and doctoral students who must go inactive for medical reasons (e.g., physical or mental health).
Limited funding for up to eight months (two terms) is available to eligible students who take a parental leave (includes adoption).
Through a commitment of financial support from the Graduate Studies Endowment Fund (GSEF) and Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA), awards are available to encourage full-time or part-time graduate students to present their own research (oral, poster, paper) at an academic conference and engage in academic dialogue within their field of study and research.
A scholarship, valued at $2,500, will be awarded annually to a Master's student registered in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering who is in the Graduate Diploma in Green Energy program in the Faculty of Engineering and has completed the first two terms in the program.
Environmental sustainability and a changing climate are pressing issues for our generation.
Every term, the Graduate Studies Endowment Fund (GSEF) solicits proposals for graduate student projects which are primarily targeting the enhancement of the learning, research, and overall experience of the graduate students as well as the development of Graduate Studies at the University of Waterloo.
An award valued at $2,000, will be provided annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in any year of a master's or doctoral program at the University of Waterloo. Selection is based on academic achievement (minimum 70% cumulative average in their current program) combined with involvement in cultural extracurricular activities and contributions to the Iraqi community as determined via their application.
An award, valued up to $6,000 will be awarded annually to a graduate student registered full-time in a Master’s or Doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering.
A scholarship valued at $10,000 is provided annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in a Masters or Doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering on the basis of academic excellence (minimum 80%).
A scholarship valued at $10,000 is provided annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in a Master's or Doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering on the basis of academic excellence (minimum 80%).
Awards valued at $1,200 will be awarded annually to full-time graduate students enrolled in the Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) program in the Faculty of Engineering on the basis of demonstrated energy, inclusivity, and interest in supporting fellow students with their academic and business endeavours, while also exhibiting an entrepreneurial passion in pursuit of their own projects.
An award valued at $6000 will be awarded annually to a female graduate student registered full-time in a master's or doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering.
Indigenous and Black Engineering and Technology Momentum Fellowships, valued at $30,000 per year, are available annually for doctoral students registered full time in the Faculty of Engineering.
The Government of Ontario provides bursary assistance for Indigenous students with financial need, as assessed by the educational institution. The bursary is open to eligible undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at the University of Waterloo in full- or part-time studies in any degree program in any year of study.
An International Doctoral Student Award (IDSA) will be provided automatically to eligible students who are registered full-time in a doctoral program at the University of Waterloo.
Effective May 1, 2019 (spring 2019 admissions cycle), the International Master’s Award of Excellence, valued at $2,500 per term for a maximum of five full-time terms within the allowable program time limits (6 terms), will be awarded to eligible international master’s students normally entering a research-based graduate program at the University of Waterloo.
The awards are made to UW graduate students working on quantum information at the University of Waterloo, based on academic excellence and potential for research as determined by grades, research statements, and reference letters.
This award was created to celebrate David Johnston’s pivotal contributions to Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) at University of Waterloo, his passion for leadership and his enthusiasm for continuous learning, innovation and achievement.
These awards are supported by a variety of sources including the Bell Family Fund and Industry Canada.
A scholarship, valued at up to $1,700, will be awarded annually to a full-time international graduate student enrolled in the doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering.
This scholarship has been established by Dr. Norman W. McLeod, FRSC, in honour of his wife, Irene Marguerite McLeod. The recipient will normally be a graduate student in the Transport Group of the Department of Civil Engineering.
Open to any graduate of the University of Waterloo Faculty of Engineering or Conestoga College undergraduate program.
The J. Alan George Student Leadership Award is presented to an entering graduate student, chosen from among students within three terms of first receipt of a Provost Doctoral Entrance Award for Women and based on a record of student leadership.
An award, valued at up to $2,000, is given annually to a third-or fourth-year undergraduate student enrolled in Architectural Engineering or Civil Engineering or a graduate student enrolled in Civil Engineering who demonstrates a commitment to Construction or Project Management through course work, project work, or work term job experience. Candidates must have a minimum overall average of 75%. Recipients may not receive this award more than once. Interested students should submit an application by October 1st. This fund is made possible by a donation from Jack Wiseman
Two awards, valued at $5,000 each, will be provided annually to undergraduate or graduate students participating in Concept or Velocity programing at the University of Waterloo.
Two scholarships, valued at up to $5,000 each, will be awarded annually to full-time University of Waterloo graduate students in any University of Waterloo graduate program.
This scholarship will be awarded annually to a full-time University of Waterloo graduate student who holds an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) or a Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science & Technology (QEII-GSST). This scholarship has been made possible by the generosity of Trina McQueen who is an honorary alumna of the University.
An Award of at least $1000 will be awarded annually to a full-time or part-time graduate student who has completed their degree requirements from a fully online graduate degree program.
Awards valued at up to $7,500 will be awarded annually to students who are or will be registered full time in the Master’s program in the School of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering.
An award valued at $4000, is provided annually to a graduate student enrolled in the Master's of Engineering (MEng) degree, Master of Applied Science (MASc) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programs in Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering on the basis of academic achievement (minimum 80%) combined with a proven interest in and involvement in fire safety research.
This award has been established in memory of Jim and Diane Ohi. Jim was a graduate student in Electrical and Computer Engineering; Diane was a graduate of the Systems Design Engineering program. Both were killed in an automobile accident on August 6, 1993. This award will be granted annually, if a suitable candidate exists, to a graduate student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering who demonstrates the qualities of leadership and a high level of academic achievement. Nominations are to be forwarded to the office of the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department.
One scholarship valued at $5,000 will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student whose research is in the fields of fluvial geomorphology, river and stream processes, or river and aquatic habitat protection and restoration.
The Jon W. Mark Graduate Scholarship in Communication at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is established to honor the significant accomplishments and contributions of Dr. Mark, including serving as former Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, being recognized as a Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Life Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and Founder and Director of the Centre for Wireless Communications, in company with more than forty years of services as an eminent teacher, distinguished researcher, and mentor to hundreds of engineers, faculty and staff.
A scholarship, valued at $1,500, will be provided annually to a graduate student registered full-time in a doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering. Selection will be based on academic excellence (minimum 80% cumulative average or equivalent). Preference will be given to students conducting research in the area of Environmental Systems in Engineering with applications including but not limited to water resources management, hydrology, environmental engineering and energy and sustainability.
A scholarship, valued at $4000, will be provided annually to a full-time doctoral student enrolled in their second year in the Department of Chemical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering who is conducting research in the areas of Polymer Engineering/Science.
One scholarship, valued at $5,000, will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in any year of the master’s program in the School of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering.
An award, valued at $1,500, will be awarded annually to a graduate student registered full-time in the first year of a master's program in the Faculty of Engineering.
An award, valued at $5,000, will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in the master’s of Architecture program in the School of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering.
A scholarship valued at $10,000 is provided annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in a Masters or Doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering on the basis of academic excellence (minimum 80%). International students who have graduated from any of the following IITs – Delhi, Mumbai, Ropar, Roorkee, Kanpur, and Kharagpur. If an eligible candidate from IIT is not available, students from all NIITs in India will be considered.
This annual award has been established in memory of Laurence Hamlin, BASc 94, MASc 96 (Civil), in recognition of the significant contributions to classroom teaching being made by graduate students within the Faculty of Engineering's Civil Engineering program and specifically the environmental and water resources area.
An award, valued at $5,000, will be presented annually to a full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in any year of the undergraduate or master’s program in the School of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering.
The endowment was established from revenues generated by an international biotechnology conference for which Dr. Murray Moo-Young served as Vice-Chair of the organizing committee. One or more scholarships will be awarded annually. Recipients will be selected by the Department of Chemical Engineering from new and continuing graduate students in the Biochemical Engineering (Biotechnology) option.
The Mackenzie King Scholarships were established as an independent trust under the will of the late Rt. Hon. William Mackenzie King (1874-1950).
An award, valued at $7,500, will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in the master’s or doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering who is conducting research that overlaps in the area of life sciences or biology with preference to those whose research is interdisciplinary.
A scholarship, valued at up to $50,000, will be provided to one graduate student registered full-time in a doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering.
An award valued at $500 will be awarded annually to a graduate student in the Masters of Engineering program who has demonstrated academic excellence.
The MME Graduate Association Symposium Award is provided annually to students registered in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo.
The Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) and the University of Waterloo are pleased to announce annual Mike and Ophelia Lazaridis Fellowships to be awarded to international graduate students based on their outstanding promise for excellence of research in Quantum Information Science.
A scholarship, valued at $6,000, will be awarded annually to a graduate student registered full time in the first term of thesis work in their master’s program in the School of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering.
A major endowment has been established to annually award 42 graduate Fellowships in Nanotechnology. Fellowships can be held simultaneously with other graduate awards. These prestigious fellowships are open to both graduate students currently pursuing nano-research at the University of Waterloo and to new students applying for admission. Applicants must satisfy the general eligiblity requirement for the University of Waterloo Graduate Scholarships. Special consideration will be given to students intending to pursue projects involving cross-disciplinary collaboration in nanotechnology. Selection of recipients for the fellowships will be made by a committee chair by the Executive Director of the Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology.
For complete award details, including eligibility, selection criteria and award value, please visit Waterloo's Tri-Agency CGS M web page.
For complete award details, including eligibility, selection criteria and award value, please visit Waterloo's NSERC Doctoral Scholarships webpage.
One award, valued at $5,000, will be provided annually to undergraduate or graduate students participating in Concept or Velocity programming at the University of Waterloo.
Three scholarships, valued at $10,000 each, will be awarded annually to full-time graduate students enrolled in the Master of Business, Entrepreneurship & Technology (MBET) Program in Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business, Faculty of Engineering.
Recipients must demonstrate academic excellence and possess a strong entrepreneurial outlook with business concepts that have the potential to become viable businesses. Preference will be given to students who are actively working on a technology/engineering-based venture. Decisions will be made in the spring term based on information gathered during the admission process. This fund is made possible by a donation from The Esch Foundation.
Four awards, valued at $2,500 each, will be provided annually to full-time undergraduate or graduate students in any year in the School of Architecture who have demonstrated exceptional leadership through design excellence.
A scholarship, valued at $10,000 will be awarded annually to an Indigenous student registered full time in any graduate program at the University of Waterloo, including affiliated and federated institutions of Waterloo.
The Ministry of Colleges and Universities has allocated funding to eligible postsecondary institutions in support of scholarships for high-achieving students with financial need enrolled in programs related to the video-gaming industry that may lead to a career in the video-gaming or esports fields.
The fellowships, valued at no more than $4,000 per student per term will be awarded annually to full-time University of Waterloo graduate students registered in a degree-granting program in any Faculty.
The Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) and the Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST) programs encourage excellence in graduate studies at publicly-assisted universities in Ontario. Since 1975, the OGS program has been providing merit-based scholarships to Ontario’s best graduate students in all disciplines of academic study. In 1998, the Ontario government introduced the QEII-GSST, a merit-based scholarship program targeted specifically toward graduate students in science and technology. Both programs are jointly funded by the Ontario government and participating institutions. The government contributes two-thirds of the value of the awards and the university provides the remaining one-third.
Waterloo reserves two OGS awards for Indigenous* applicants each year.
Funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, a Scholar Awards Program in Women's Health has been established to ensure that Ontario attracts and retains pre-eminent women's health scholars.
Up to three scholarships will be given each term to doctoral students registered full-time in Electrical & Computer Engineering, with a preference given to students specializing in the area of communication research.
This $50,000 scholarship is awarded annually by the Polytechnique administration to a woman engineering student who wishes to enrol in graduate studies in engineering (master’s or PhD) at the institution of her choice, in Canada or elsewhere in the world.
Each year, nominees for the Alumni Gold Medal and Governor General’s Gold Medal are considered for a designation of “Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Studies - Master’s or Doctoral”.
This award is in memory of Professor Paul Niessen, a distinguished member of the Department of Mechanical Engineering who had a long association with Cominco Ltd. This award, consisting of a medal and up to $2,000 is awarded annually to one or two students who demonstrate leadership and skill in the Materials Science and Manufacturing Laboratories of the Department. Candidates should be enrolled in a Mechanical Engineering graduate program in the year preceding the award.
The Pearl Sullivan Engineering Ideas Clinic Activity Pitch Awards will be awarded to the top 3 winners of an annual competition where graduate students propose new activities to be implemented within the Engineering Ideas Clinic with the goal of promoting a focus on teaching activities, and on connecting research to undergraduate teaching in the Faculty of Engineering.
The Peggy and Tom Mulligan Scholarship will be awarded alternate years to a full-time University of Waterloo graduate student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering or the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science who holds an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) or a Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science & Technology (QEII-GSST).
Several awards will be presented annually to full-time undergraduate students in Year Two, Three, or Four and/or master’s students in the School of Architecture.
Bob Harding, Linda Young and the Edper Foundation have established a scholarship fund in the name of Mr. Peter F. Bronfman for graduate students at the University of Waterloo.
This three-year leadership program is designed to train engaged leaders, equipping outstanding doctoral candidates with the skills to translate their ideas into action, for the betterment of their communities, Canada, and the world.
A scholarship, valued at $4,000, will be awarded annually to a full-time female graduate student enrolled in the course-based master’s program in the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department in the Faculty of Engineering, wherein women are underrepresented.
The scholarship, valued at $1,000 will be awarded annually to a University of Waterloo graduate student registered full time in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Preference will be given to students conducting research in the area of Structures, Mechanics and Construction Engineering. The scholarship will be awarded to a graduate student on the basis of scholastic excellence. This scholarship has been established through a generous donation by the late Professor Mircea Z. Cohn.
A scholarship, valued at $1,500, will be provided annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in a research-based master’s or doctoral program in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department. Selection will be based on academic excellence (minimum 80% cumulative average in their current program or over the last two full-time academic years).
A scholarship, valued at $3,000, will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in any research-based master’s or doctoral program at the University of Waterloo.
The main purpose of this award is to provide any outstanding full-time female doctoral student (Canadian citizen, permanent resident or international student) with an entrance scholarship in the amount of $5,000 for one year.
The QNX Graduate Scholarships were created by Mr. Dan Dodge, founder of QNX Software Systems to create opportunities for graduate students similar to those he received as an undergraduate and graduate student at the University of Waterloo.
The Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) and the Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST) programs encourage excellence in graduate studies at publicly-assisted universities in Ontario.
One scholarship, valued at up to $7,500, is awarded annually to a new female graduate student entering the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) in the Fall or Winter term.
One scholarship valued at $20,000, will be awarded to a graduate student who is registered full-time in a Master's or PhD program and who is conducting research in topics aligned with quantum-safe cryptography.
One award valued at $5,000, will be awarded annually to a current or past graduate student who has successfully submitted and defended their thesis.
Entrance scholarships, valued at $5,000 for Master’s students and $10,000 for Doctoral students, will be awarded annually to full-time graduate students registered in the Collaborative Water program.
Scholarship(s) valued at $5,000 will be awarded annually to a full-time University of Waterloo graduate student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering who enters the Structures, Mechanics and Construction research area with preference for those doing cold-formed steel research.
The Rhodes Scholarship is the oldest (established 1903) international scholarship programme in the world, and one of the most prestigious. Administered by the Rhodes Trust in Oxford, the programme offers 100 fully-funded Scholarships each year for postgraduate study at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom - one of the world’s leading universities. Rhodes Scholarships are for young leaders of outstanding intellect and character who are motivated to engage with global challenges, committed to the service of others and show promise of becoming value-driven, principled leaders for the world’s future.
- Richard & Elizabeth Madter Graduate Award in Electrical & Computer Engineering - OGS/QEII-GSST Match
Richard and Elizabeth Madter, Alumni of the University of Waterloo have established two research scholarships for graduate students in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo. The students will hold an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) or a Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science & Technology (QEII-GSST).
Two graduate scholarships that will be presented to full-time graduate students who have been accepted into the graduate program in Electrical and Computer Engineering. The value of the scholarships will be $25,000 comprising of $10,000 from the payout of the endowment, $10,000 from the faculty supervisor of the graduate student and $5000 from the University.
This scholarship has been established by Robbert Hartog who founded and was chair and CEO of Waltec Incorporated. Two or more scholarships valued at $5,000 will be awarded annually to full-time University of Waterloo graduate students in the Faculty of Engineering to students conducting research in materials or material shaping in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, who hold an Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS).
The Roberta and Lonsdale Schofield Graduate Scholarship in Architecture will be awarded annually to an outstanding student entering the professional Master of Architecture Program. Normally it will be awarded in conjunction with an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) or a Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science & Technology (QEII-GSST). The endowment was established by Roberta and Lonsdale Schofield in recognition of the relocation of the School of Architecture to Cambridge.
Up to five awards, normally valued at $ 1,000 each, are provided to undergraduate and graduate students registered full-time in any year and in any Faculty at the University of Waterloo.
Two scholarships, valued at $6,500 each, will be awarded annually to outstanding students entering the Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) Program.
A scholarship valued up to $1500 will be awarded annually to a graduate student registered full-time in a master's or doctoral program in Electrical & Computer Engineering who has demonstrated academic excellence and is conducting research in the area of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.
A scholarship, valued at least $3,000, will be awarded annually to a graduate student registered full-time in a research-based master’s or doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering, Math or Science who are part of the Quantum Information program.
This scholarship will be presented to a full-time graduate student who has been awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship and has been accepted into the Graduate program in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The scholarship recipient will be pursuing a graduate degree with a concentration in electronics, microelectronics, semiconductor devices and integrated circuits. The Associate Chair of Graduate Studies in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering through the departmental scholarship committee will come up with a name or short list of eligible candidates. The name or short list of candidates will be presented to the scholarship committee of the Faculty of Engineering to select the candidate.
The Schneider Foods Graduate Scholarship will be presented to a full-time graduate student who has been awarded into the Graduate program in Engineering, Environment or Science. The scholarship recipient must be pursuing a graduate degree with a concentration in water resources and treatment. Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs will review the list of eligible candidates and will make the final decision regarding the recipient of the scholarship. Students must hold an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) or a Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science & Technology (QEII-GSST).
At least three awards will be awarded annually to the women graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in the university or general community while maintaining exemplary academic records.
The competition is run on a cyclical basis across regions of Canada every 4 years.
Awards will be given annually to students registered full-time at the University of Waterloo who have achieved a minimum overall average of 80% and have documented financial need.
Two awards, valued at $1,000 each, will be awarded annually to full-time undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in any program who are employed by the University of Waterloo Library currently or were so in the previous two academic terms (employment: full or part-time casual staff, co-op and work study positions, internships, volunteer roles).
For complete award details, including eligibility, selection criteria and award value, please visit Waterloo's Tri-Agency CGS M web page.
For complete award details, including eligibility, selection criteria and award value, please visit Waterloo's SSHRC Doctoral Scholarship webpage.
Several awards will be presented annually to full-time undergraduate or graduate students in the School of Architecture who enrolled in ARCH 473, ARCH 493, ARCH 671 or ARCH 691.
Two awards valued at up to $20,000 will be provided annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in a research-based master's program in the Faculty of Engineering. Students must be conducting research in the area of deep technology with a strong emphasis on advanced computing, with the intention of commercializing their research.
A bursary fund established by the Student Life Centre Management Board (formerly Campus Centre Board) is available to graduate and undergraduate students experiencing financial difficulties.
This scholarship will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student registered in the Faculty of Health on the basis of scholastic excellence and a demonstrated interest in research related to aging and older populations, including Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
These awards honour deceased students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends of the Department of Systems Design Engineering. Awards are made, as funds permit, to full-time undergraduate or graduate students in the Department of Systems Design Engineering on the basis of academic achievement. Selection will be made by the Associate Dean of Engineering, Graduate Studies and Research. Donations have been received in memory of: Professor Muthu Chandrashekar.
This will be awarded annually to a graduate student registered in the MASc or PhD program in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo, who is conducting research in the field of experimental stress analysis.
The TD Bank Graduate Scholarships in the Environment are awarded annually to full-time University of Waterloo graduate students who hold an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) or a Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science & Technology (QEII-GSST) and are enrolled in the faculties of Engineering, Environment or Science and in an area of study with a strong environmental focus.
Recipients are chosen by each Faculty’s Associate Dean of Graduate Studies. There are six awards valued at $5,000 each, two awards per faculty. Open to Canadian citizens and/or permanent residents.
Awarded by The Gunhard A.E. Oravas Educational Fund, The Dr. Gunhard A.E. Oravas Memorial Scholarship is granted to doctoral students at McMaster University and University of Waterloo involved in research in the area of Computational Mechanics of Deformable Solids.
This scholarship will be awarded annually to graduate students registered full-time in a Master’s or Doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering or Faculty of Science who are conducting research in the area of polymer science and engineering.
One award, valued at $2,000, will be provided annually to a full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in any year of any program at the University of Waterloo. Selection will be based on academic achievement (minimum 70% cumulative average) combined with contributions to Jewish culture and community through extracurricular or volunteer activities on campus and/or in other communities.
A scholarship valued at $1,500 will be awarded annually to a graduate student registered full-time in a research-based Master’s or PhD program in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo.
Each year, nominees for the Alumni Gold Medal who are considered, but who are not selected to receive a medal will be awarded the designation as a “University Finalist for the Alumni Gold Medal.”
Each year, nominees for the Governor General's Gold Medal who are considered, but who are not selected to receive a medal will be awarded the designation as a “University Finalist for the Governor General's Gold Medal.”
The University of Waterloo Graduate Scholarship, normally valued at $1,000 per term for up to three terms, is awarded to graduate students registered full-time in a Master's or Doctoral program at the University of Waterloo.
Waterloo is pleased to provide the President's Graduate Scholarship (PGS) to outstanding graduate students who hold certain major federally and provincially-funded competition-based scholarships.
The University of Waterloo Retirees' Association has established this award fund to assist students who have proven financial need.
The Senate Graduate Scholarship program provides funds to match scholarship designated contributions made by faculty, staff, and retirees to graduate programs at the University of Waterloo.
A scholarship valued at $4,000, will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in their first year of a doctoral program in the Department of Chemical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo.
This fund was established by University of Waterloo staff and faculty to enrich UWaterloo's scholarship program, recognize academic excellence and provide opportunities for children of UWaterloo faculty and staff.
This award was established by Urban Strategies Inc. which is a planning and urban design firm based in Toronto.
One award will be presented annually to a graduate student in the School of Architecture whose architectural thesis best exemplifies excellence in Urban Design. The selection will be based on merit and made by the Director of the School of Architecture and Urban Strategies Inc.
This scholarship will be used to enhance external scholarships like Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS),and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC).
Scholarship(s) will be awarded on a rotating basis in the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics, the Cheriton School of Computer Science, and university-wide.
One scholarship valued at $5,000 will be awarded annually to a full-time Canadian or Permanent Resident graduate student in the Departments of Chemical, Civil and Environmental, Mechanical and Mechatronics, or Electrical and Computer Engineering. The university will make every effort to match these awards through government programs. For instance, when matched with an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) the total value of each scholarship will be $15,000 annually. If this is not feasible, the scholarships will then be valued and awarded at $5,000 each. The scholarship selection will be made by the Associate Dean, Graduate Studies in the Faculty of Engineering.
The UW Fluid Mechanics Graduate Scholarship will be presented to a full-time graduate student who has been awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) or a Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science & Technology (QEII-GSST) and has been accepted into the Graduate program in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering.
Several awards, valued at up to $2,500 each, are available annually to full-time undergraduate and graduate students who participate in an international experience, including a minimally-paid or volunteer international co-op work placement, a volunteer placement, an academic exchange or a study term related to academic requirements.
Scholarship(s) are presented annually to outstanding graduate student(s) on a rotating basis through the faculties.
Several awards, valued at $500 - $1,000 each, are provided annually to full- or part-time undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in a degree program at the University of Waterloo who are affiliated with the UW Staff Association (UWSA) as a member or as the child, spouse, grandchild, or dependent of a current UWSA member.
The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) program was created to attract and retain world-class doctoral students and to establish Canada as a global centre of excellence in research and higher learning.
The Vector Scholarship in Artificial Intelligence supports the recruitment of top students to AI-related master's programs in Ontario.
A scholarship valued at up to $10,000 is awarded annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in the Masters of Business, Entrepreneurship & Technology (MBET) program on the basis of academic achievement.
The W.S. Rickert Graduate Fellowship in Science is valued at a minimum of $20,000.
Numerous awards are granted annually to full-time undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Year Two of their program of study who are in good academic standing and have demonstrated financial need. These awards are made possible by a generous gift from the late Walter Metzger.
Waterloo AI Institute Graduate Scholarships, valued at $5,000, will be awarded each year to graduate students registered full-time who are conducting research under supervisors affiliated with the Artificial Intelligence Institute at the University of Waterloo.
An award, valued at $1,000, will be awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in any year in the School of Architecture.
The WIN-Velocity Scholarship, with a value equivalent to a Graduate Research Studentship (GRS) for two years, has been made possible through a financial contribution from the Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN) to support domestic research-based master’s students, who will be registered full-time in their first year of graduate studies, in the Faculty of Engineering and/or Faculty of Science.
The Waterloo.AI GRADflix awards, valued between $500 to $2,000, will be awarded twice each year to select graduate students who presented their research in the field of artificial intelligence in the Waterloo.AI GRADflix competition.
Mr. Nicol has established the Wesley M. Nicol MBET (Master of Business, Entrepreneurhip and Technology) Scholarship for outstanding MBET students at the Waterloo's Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Scholarships with a value of at least $1,000 will be awarded annually to graduate students registered full time in the master’s or doctoral program in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering.
A scholarship, valued at a minimum of $3,900, will be awarded annually to an outstanding graduate student entering a research-based master’s or doctoral program in Electrical and Computer Engineering.