Ontario Women's Health Scholars Award

Award type:

Award description:

Funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, a Scholar Awards Program in Women's Health has been established to ensure that Ontario attracts and retains pre-eminent women's health scholars. The community of women's health scholars fostered by this Awards program will excel, according to internationally accepted standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge about women's health and its translation into improved health for women, more effective health services and products for women, and a strengthened heath care system.

Value description:

  • Master's Awards - $25,000 plus $1,000 research allowance
  • Doctoral Awards - $35,000 plus $2,000 research allowance
  • Postdoctoral Awards - $50,000 plus $5,000 research allowance


Eligibility & selection criteria: 

Masters, Doctoral


Open to any program

Canadian/Permanent resident

Selection process:
Application required 


Application deadline: 
December 2
Additional instructions: 

Complete application packages must be emailed to Laura Frazee by December 2. Complete application packages include the following:

  1. Application: available at https://cou.ca/resources/awards
    1. “Signature of Dean of Graduate School” must be left blank at the time of submission as this is reserved for institutional-level signatures if the application is selected to be nominated.
    2. The supervisor's signature should be obtained prior to submitting the application (if applicable). The applicant's proposed PhD supervisor should sign if the supervisor has already been determined. If not yet determined, the signature box can be left blank. 
  2. Curriculum vitae: including information concerning the eligibility criteria
  3. Summary of thesis (for postdoctoral applicants only): a brief summary of the doctoral thesis of no more than 300 words.
  4. Statement of research: explaining the research to be undertaken during the period of graduate study (maximum 1,000 words). Must be written by the candidate.*
  5. Non-technical summary (maximum 500 words). Must be written by the candidate.*

*one additional page may be included for citations/diagrams.

Transcripts (masters and doctoral applicants only):

  • Applicants do not need to submit transcripts with their application. Instead, applicants must list in the body of their submission email to Laura Frazee all previous institutions (and degrees, if applicable) that they have attended including Waterloo; (e.g. University of Waterloo – Bachelor of Science; University of Toronto - Master of Science; Western University – single course).
  • Upon receipt of a complete application, GSPA will automatically generate an official UW transcript and retrieve copies of official non-Waterloo transcripts which were submitted as part of the applicant’s admission application.

Reference Letters:

  • Two reference letters are required for Master’s and Doctoral applicants; Four reference letters are required for postdoctoral applicants.
  • Applicants must ask each assessor to email letters directly to Laura Frazee by December 2. Letters must not be submitted by the applicant. All letters must be signed and on letterhead.
  • Letters should focus on an evaluation of the applicant’s research to date, and on the research the applicant proposes to undertake during the period of the award, paying particular attention to the criteria for selection. The assessor should also provide a short description of the relationship, if any, with the applicant.
  • For postdoctoral applications, two of the assessors must not have been associated with the candidate as either a supervisor, a member of the candidate’s supervisory committee, or a co-author; and if at all possible, not at the university at which the applicant was a doctoral student.
Contact person: