Award type:
Award description:
The Pearl Sullivan Engineering Ideas Clinic Activity Pitch Awards will be awarded to the top 3 winners of an annual competition where graduate students propose new activities to be implemented within the Engineering Ideas Clinic with the goal of promoting a focus on teaching activities, and on connecting research to undergraduate teaching in the Faculty of Engineering.
Value description:
First-place $1000, second-place $500, and third-place $250
Masters, Doctoral
Engineering→Architecture, MBET, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Eng, Electrical & Computer Eng, Management Sciences, Mechanical & Mechatronics Eng, Quantum Computing, Systems Design Engineering
Canadian/Permanent resident, International/study permit student
- Open to all graduate students in the Faculty of Engineering
- A written proposal outlining activity idea is required
Selection criteria:
- 10 finalists will be selected from the pool of applicants who submitted a written proposal
- All 10 finalists are required to present their idea to a panel of judges from the Ideas Clinic including the Director, and the Engineering Educational Developers
- Presentations will be evaluated against the following criteria: the proposal must be hands-on, real-world, related to the finalist's expertise/research
- Detailed criteria and instructions for the award are posted on the Ideas Clinic website
Contact person:
- For further information about this award, please contact the appropriate:
Faculty Administrative Assistant