Sharon & David Johnston Award

Award type:
Scholarships, Financial need awards/bursaries

Indigenous, Women

Award description:
Awards will be given annually to students registered full time at the University of Waterloo who have achieved a minimum overall average of 80% and have documented financial need. Candidates must be Canadians/permanent residents and a resident of Ontario. In selecting the recipients, preference will be given to graduate students, female students who had more obstacles than usual in proceeding to graduate studies and Canadian Indigenous* students with special financial need.

The fund is made possible by a donation from former University of Waterloo President David Johnston and his wife Dr. Sharon Johnston.

*For the purpose of this scholarship, an Indigenous person is one who is a citizen or member of a First Nations community (Status/Non-Status), Métis, or Inuit as defined in the Canadian Constitution Act 1982. To protect the integrity of Indigenous graduate students eligible for specific funding, those identifying as Indigenous must be verified by the Office of Indigenous Relations at the University of Waterloo through the Indigenous verification process.


Value description:
The value and/or number of Awards may change from year to year.

Eligibility & selection criteria:
  • Must be a full-time student in any Faculty/department with a minimum overall average of 80%.
  • Must be a Canadian Citizen/Permanent Resident, as well as an Ontario resident (must have resided in Ontario for 12 months prior to beginning their post - secondary education).
  • Must apply to OSAP for the term in which the award is due and provide a printout (screenshot) of their OSAP Funding Summary. Note: If a student has been restricted from applying to OSAP then they must instead provide proof that they are restricted.
  • Must have demonstrated financial need. From their budget, within the Graduate Student Award application, their “Current term expenses” must exceed their “Current term income”. All amounts entered will be reviewed and only standard expenses will be allowed.
  • Preference will be given to graduate students, female students who had more obstacles than usual proceeding to graduate studies; Canadian Indigenous students with special financial need. This can be demonstrated in the personal letter portion of the application. 
  • Applicants who have not already done so are encouraged to review the Indigenous verification process to confirm their eligibility.

Masters, Doctoral

Open to any program

Canadian/Permanent resident

Selection process:
Application required


Application deadline:
October 1

Application details:

  • Graduate Award Application
    • Complete the Graduate Student Award application
    • Attach required documentation (as per the application form)
    • Submit your complete application package to Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) by the appropriate term deadline

Contact person: