We’re excited to kick off the year by sharing some great news! Congratulations to the following students for achieving the CPI Undergraduate Award in their respective courses for the Fall 2023 semester at the University of Waterloo:
Global Principles of Data Privacy - Amna Malik
Critical Understanding of Data Users' Behaviour and Privacy Management - Jacquelyn Yu
Applied Cryptography - Jason Ye & Ryan Wu
Cybersecurity Management and Governance - Jathushan Vasanthakumar
The Impact of Surveillance on Society - Vanessa Vanpopic
Computer Security and Privacy - Xiaoyu Yang
This notable award recognizes the top performing scholar(s) in any course that has a significant cybersecurity and privacy component. Each recipient has received $1,000, which was made possible by the generous sponsorships from Mastercard Canada and BlackBerry.
We can’t wait to see what 2024 has in store for these bright minds! If you are interested in supporting this award program in any future term or wish to engage with world leading talent, please contact us at ccpi@uwaterloo.ca or click here.
To view past recipients and review the eligibility details of the award, click here.