We’ve all been taught the 3Rs from a young age: reduce, reuse, recycle. But we tend to focus too much on that last R. While recycling is important, less than 10% of plastics in Canada are recycled, which means it does little to reduce how much of it we consume. We may even use more because we think what we’re using is being recycled. This brings us to a missing “R”: reimagine.
Join us as we hear from two companies that are reimagining plastics in the supply chain. TeTechS helps reduce the amount of plastic resin consumed as a product is being created – up to 30%. The folks at Friendlier facilitate creating the virtuous cycle of reusability, to ensure a product is reused multiple times before it is finished, reducing the need for so many plastic items to be created in the first place.
We hope you—and your reusable beverage container—are able to join us on November 16th for what is sure to be an exciting and informative discussion.
If you have a few extra minutes, there will also be 10 minutes of audience Q&A after the discussion.