MASc Seminar: Fairness Notions on Hardware Resource Configuration

Friday, October 6, 2023 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Candidate: Aravind Vellora Vayalapra 

Date: October 6, 2023

Time: 1:30 PM

Place: Remote Attendance

Supervisor(s): Nachiket Kapre, Seyed Majid Zahedi


To meet performance and energy efficiency demand of modern workloads, specialized

hardware accelerators implemented on FPGAs or ASICs have found adoption in modern

servers and Systems-on-Chip (SoC). These hardware accelerators cater to a wide range of

applications such as Machine Learning, databases, analytics and networking. Prior studies

have shown excessive underutilization, utilization ranging from 60% to as low as 20%.

Sharing hardware among multiple users can mitigate underutilization but makes achieving

QoS requirements a challenge.

In this work, we explore hardware sharing on a GPU and employ game theory to

present a formal model of sharing. We present notions of fairness, a performance model for

heterogeneous hardware systems, and present a novel market-based mechanism to allocate

and configure hardware resource. We implement the design on the open source Vortex

GPU, and evaluate the system with 5 machine learning workloads – Resnet, AlexNet,

YoloNet, K-Means clustering and multi-layer perceptron training. The evaluation showed

that the market-based mechanism meets proportional QoS and we provide a theoretical

guarantee. We observe up to 2x speedup and up to 10% higher utilization compared to

traditional methods of providing equal resources and speedup as high as 2x. The system

also chooses hardware configuration that maximizes the collective welfare of the users.