
Seminar Milestones

As part of their degree requirements all MASc and PhD students are required to present a seminar. You can see the specific processes and requirements below. 

MASc Seminar Milestone

MASc candidates are required to present a seminar on their thesis topic as part of their degree requirements. The purpose of the seminar is to develop your ability to communicate the results of your research in an organized and informative manner. The seminar is not an oral examination of your thesis. Once completed, the MASc Seminar Milestone is recorded on the student’s academic record.

Following are instructions for completing the seminar milestone degree requirement:

  1. Confirm with your supervisor, and one other faculty member who is willing to attend, a date for completion of your seminar milestone.
  2. Once a date is determined, email the following information to the MASc Program Coordinator/Advisor:
    • Title
    • Abstract
    • Proposed date and time for your seminar and whether it will be held online or in-person
      • If held in-person, indicated if you need audio-visual requirements (for example, data projector or laptop)
    • Attending faculty members
  3. On the day of your seminar your supervisor and attending faculty member will receive an email indicating that they must approve the seminar milestone via a web link that is provided to them.

Once the milestone has been completed and approved, the Seminar Milestone form will be forwarded to Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs who will record completion of the Seminar Milestone on your academic record.

PhD Seminar Milestone

Key Points

  • Must be completed by the end of the ninth term (tenth if from incomplete MASc)
  • Both Comprehensive Milestones must be successfully completed
  • Seminar must be booked a minimum of 1 week in advance
  • Your Supervisor(s) and all PhD Advisory Committee members must be in attendance (same committee as from your Comprehensive Proposal Exam)


PhD candidates are required to present a seminar on their thesis topic as part of their degree requirements before the end of their 9th term of active registration. The purpose of the seminar is to develop your ability to communicate the results of your research in an organized and informative manner. The seminar is not an oral examination of your thesis. Your supervisor(s), plus your Examination Committee (same as your Comprehensive Proposal Exam) must attend at the seminar in order for you to receive credit. Once completed, the PhD Seminar Milestone is recorded on the student’s academic record.

Following are instructions for completing the seminar milestone degree requirement:

Note: at least one week’s notice is required to prepare for seminar announcements.

  1. Confirm with your supervisor(s) and Examination Committee a date for completion of your seminar milestone.
  2. Once a date is determined, email the following information to the PhD Program Coordinator/Advisor so they can prepare the Seminar Notice and Seminar Milestone forms:
    • Title
    • Abstract (Microsoft Word (doc file) preferred)
    • Proposed date and time for your seminar
    • Audio-visual requirements (for example, data projector or laptop) 
  3. Pick up the PhD Seminar Milestone from the PhD Program Coordinator/Advisor just prior to your seminar date and take it with you to the Seminar. Your supervisor and committee members must sign the Milestone form.
  4. Return the signed Seminar Milestone form to the PhD Program Coordinator/Advisor who will submit it to the ECE Graduate Officer for an approval signature.

Once the milestone has been completed and approved, the Seminar Milestone form will be forwarded to Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs who will record completion of the Seminar Milestone on your academic record.