ECE Professor, Sherman Shen, and PhD students, Huaqing Wu, Wenchao Xu and Jiayin Chen, win the IEEE GLOBECOM 2018 Best Paper Award

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

ECE Professor, Sherman Shen, and his PhD students, Huaqing Wu, Wenchao Xu and Jiayin Chen, have won the IEEE GLOBECOM 2018 Best Paper Award for their article "Matching-based Content Caching in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks" at the IEEE Communications Society's flagship conference, IEEE Global Communications in December in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Their paper was selected from 2562 submitted papers.

The IEEE Communications Society (IEEE ComSoc) is a leading global community comprised of a diverse set of professionals with a common interest in advancing all communications and networking technologies. IEEE ComSoc has over 28,000 members in more than 149 countries.
