ECE's Mohammed Nassar, PhD student, receives 2017 Amit and Meena Chakma Award for Exceptional Teaching by a Student (AETS)

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The recipients of the 2017 Amit and Meena Chakma Awards for Exceptional Teaching by a Student (AETS) were presented at Monday’s meeting of the University of Waterloo’s senate.

Mohammed Nassar.
Mohammed Nassar is a PhD student in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In Winter 2016, Nassar received the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Best TA Award. He has also been on the Dean of Engineering’s list for his exceptional course evaluation scores. Widely known for his energy, enthusiasm, and passion for teaching, several students commented that Nassar is “very devoted to his work” and “always made sure as much of the class understood the material as possible before moving on.”  Read the full story.