Sherman Shen, a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was recently elected to serve as President of IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), the world's leading organization for communications professionals with headquarters in New York City and over 28,000 members in 162 countries. Under his leadership, which began January 1st, 2022, the ComSoc is moving forward with several new programs to promote cutting-edge communications and networking technologies through its high-quality publications, premier conferences, technology standards, and educational activities.
From 2020 to 2021, Professor Shen served as the ComSoc’s Vice-President for Technical Activities, and from 2018 to 2019, as Vice-President for Publications. During the four-year period, the ComSoc introduced new initiatives for technological innovations in the fifth-generation and beyond (B5G) communication systems by exploiting technical strength and expertise of the society, and for better engaging industry members by enhancing organization and activities of the industry community. In addition, it successfully launched the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society in September 2019. The new 100% Gold Open Access journal provides a viable venue for researchers to meet the Plan S requirements in disseminating outcomes of research projects supported by public funding such as the Horizon 2020 framework (the largest European Union Research and Innovation programme).