Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Researchers in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) will receive $780,000 from the provincial government to further research innovation in Ontario. The Ontario Research Fund-Research Infrastructure (ORF-RI) awards advance research programs by supporting infrastructure needs such as equipment and modern facilities. The announcement is part of a larger investment by the Province of Ontario aimed at advancing Ontario’s competitive edge.
The Ontario government awarded funds to the following ECE researchers:
- Sahar Pirooz Azad (Electrical Computer Engineering): Control and protection of next-generation power electronically enabled hybrid AC-DC power systems ($100,000)
- Kerstin Dautenhahn (Electrical Computer Engineering): Infrastructure for research on social and intelligent robotics ($350,000)
- Amir Khandani (Electrical Computer Engineering): Infrastructure for research on next generation wireless networks ($80,000)
- Christopher Wilson (Electrical Computer Engineering): Taking superconducting electronics to the next level of integration $$170,819
- Seyed Majid Zahedi (Electrical Computer Engineering): Resource management in heterogeneous clusters: Maximizing efficiency and guaranteeing security, privacy and fairness ($80,000)