Waterloo RoboHub featured in YouTube series hosted by Robert Downey Jr.

Friday, January 24, 2020

University of Waterloo researchers are in the latest episode of 'The Age of A.I."

While he's not becoming an engineer, Robert Downey Jr. is spearheading a new organization called the Footprint Coalition which aims to use technology to benefit the environment. 

Downey Jr. is also the voice of the YouTube series 'The Age of A.I', and the latest episode has a local connection.

"RoboHub is a premier robotics incubator at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. One thing they're doing is developing A.I. and robotics to use in environments that are unstructured - more human ... like at home," said Downey Jr. in the video.

RoboHub Manager Brandon J. DeHart then comes in to further introduce TALOS, the full-size humanoid robot.

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