Our People

Principal Investigator:

  • Dr. Mahla Poudineh

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Core Member, Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology

QNC building 3622

office: 519.888.4567 x33319
email:  mahla.poudineh@uwaterloo.ca


  • Lisa Krygsman 

email:  lisakrygsman@gmail.com

Lisa is a fourth-year Nanotechnology Engineering student at the University of Waterloo. Her previous academic research experience includes working at the Center for Nanomedicine in the Farokhzad Lab jointly with Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, as well as working with H2NanO in the Frank Gu Lab. Her industry experience involves research at Nicoya, helping to develop sensors for the world’s first benchtop digital microfluidic surface plasmon resonance instrument. She is passionate about chemical sensors, bio-nano interfaces, disease therapeutics, and diagnosis. 

  • HAOYU (Harry) FU