Bursary Guidelines (HTML Version)

Access Registration Portal

You can log into an existing account through the “Sign In” area or, if you are new to registering with us, you can create an account using the “New User Sign Up”

Select your season

This is under “Start a New Registration”

Select bursary applicants

You can select multiple applicants in this step. Please note that each applicant requires a separate bursary application form filled out.

Select Bursary Application session

In Step 2, you will find the bursary application. Clicking on the session will give you important details. Select “Add to cart” and click “Continue” to access the application.

Complete required forms

Click “Open form” to complete required forms. The bursary application will have places to indicate your requested program and required information.

Continue through to confirmation page

Make sure to continue through to the Confirmation page to complete your submission!

Bursary Evaluations

Bursary evaluations will not begin until after the application deadline. This should be noted in the
session information and the instructions within the application form you submit.


All bursary applicants will be sent any updates regarding their application to the email on file in the
registration system. You can expect to receive an update, regardless of bursary status, before open
registration begins.


Accepted applicants will be given a deadline to accept their offer through email. You will then receive next steps to fill out forms and any other required info!