Graduate Incidental Fees Spring 2020

Deadline to opt out of optional and voluntary fees charged for Spring term is May 15, 2020.

Incidental fees are non-tuition fees included in your bill each term you are active in a grad program or course. 

The Ontario government’s Student Choice Initiative came into effect Fall 2019. As a result,

  • fees that previously represented several services as one charge are itemized on your bill; eg. the GSA fee is displayed as seven separate fees on your bill.
  • fees are identified as compulsory, optional or voluntary.
  • we are required to charge 13% HST on some optional fees.
  • you can choose to opt out of the optional and voluntary fees charged to your student account until the due date for the term.

On November 21, 2019, the Ontario Divisional Court issued a ruling regarding the Student Choice Initiative (SCI). The Ontario government is appealing the recent court decision. A final decision on the status of the SCI has not been determined. The process to opt out of optional and voluntary fees remains in effect for Spring 2020.

Please review fee information below.


A particular four-month period of course study or research. Students are charged fees one term at a time. Due date is always prior to the start of term. To accommodate the unusual circumstances associated with COVID-19, the Spring 2020 due date will be May 15.

  • Fall Term – September to December;
  • Winter Term – January to April;
  • Spring Term – May to August.