Fast facts about your tuition tax form
- Beginning 2019, the Tuition and Enrolment Certificate is called a T2202
- Prior to 2019, the Tuition and Enrolment Certificate was called a T2202A
- The T2202 tax certificate is available in the Finances section on Quest no later than February 28 each year
- You may find these Step-by-Step Instructions helpful
- T2202/T2202A tax certificates reflect the information for Winter, Spring and Fall terms in the previous calendar year
T2202/T2202A tax certificates will only show dollar amounts for terms you were Fees Arranged
Your tuition tax certificate includes only fees CRA has defined as eligible:
Student Services fees
Health Services Building fee
SLC/PAC Building Expansion
Co-op fee (if applicable)
Work Report Marking fee (if applicable)
- You only need a printed copy of your T2202/T2202A if one is requested by the Canada Revenue Agency as part of a formal audit, or if you have a professional preparing your tax return. Be sure to keep a copy of each year's document; tax documents are only available for the most recent 7 years.
Social Insurance Number for tax documents
Your Social Insurance Number (SIN) is required for T2202 and T4A tax documents. Follow the instructions to log in to Quest to add your SIN and your consent for the university to use your SIN. If your SIN & consent are not provided in Quest, the SIN field on your tax documents will be blank.
If you need to update your SIN, contact The Centre to have them delete the one on Quest so you can log in to Quest and add your correct one.
The Social Insurance Number information being requested is processed under the authority of and in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the University of Waterloo Act (1972), as well as University policy and guidelines for the purpose of issuing Canadian tax documents and processing financial aid. Questions about the processing of financial information by the University should be directed to Student Financial Services. General questions about privacy at the University of Waterloo should be directed to the University‘s Privacy Officer. Questions about the use of your SIN by the University of Waterloo can be directed to The Centre.
Personal information on the T2202 tax certificate
- To change the address information on the certificate, update your MAILING address information on Quest, then reprint the tax certificate.
- To change the name on the certificate, follow the process to change your name, then reprint the tax certificate.
Tax documents for prior years
Canada Revenue Agency requires us to provide past information for "six years from the end of the last tax year". University of Waterloo provides tax documents in accordance with this requirement. Tax documents are not available for years other than those available on your Quest account.
Receipt for residence fees
Please see information on the Housing website.
Donation receipt
If you did not opt out of the endowment fund or Science Foundation fees charged to your student account, you will find a charitable donation receipt in the Tax Documents section on Quest no later than February 28 each year. It represents your contributions during the previous calendar year.
International students
University of Waterloo provides T2202/T2202A certificates, T4A slips, and donation receipts for all active students to enable them to complete their Canadian tax return. Contact a tax professional to determine whether you need to file a Canadian tax return and/or a tax return in your country of origin.
Quebec students
The RL-8 form is a tax form of the Ministère du Revenu du Québec and is intended only for Quebec residents. Only educational institutions in Quebec are required to produce RL-8 forms for students. University of Waterloo does not issue RL-8 tax forms. Students completing tax returns for Quebec can use the T2202/T2202A to file their tax return.
US students
University of Waterloo does not issue 1098T tax forms; US students can use the T2202/T2202A to file a US tax return.
Our Federal School Code in the US is 00852600.T4 & T4A slips issued by University of Waterloo
T4 tax slips reflect income earned from employment at University of Waterloo.
- T4 tax slips are available online by logging in to Workday on the Human Resources website.
- For questions about information on your T4 tax slip, please contact Human Resources.
T4A tax slips display scholarship, bursary, award and GRS income.
- T4A tax slips for 2018 and prior are available from Human Resources.
- T4A tax slips for 2019 and beyond are available in the Finances section on Quest no later than February 28 each year.
- For questions about information on your T4A slip, contact Student Financial Services.
The University of Waterloo has an obligation to issue a T4A tax form for all scholarship, award and bursary payments made through the University, including payments made on behalf of an external organization. The University of Waterloo is unable to exclude specific scholarship/award payments from our T4A reporting processes. In the event that the external award provider has also issued a T4A for the same funds, you will need to ask them to revise their T4A form so that the award is not double-reported to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). In the event that the external award provider is not willing to amend their T4A tax form, please use this note in any CRA audit requests relating to duplicated T4A amounts.
Tax return preparation help for students
For information about the annual tax information and tax return preparation event on-campus:
- The Accounting & Finance Student Association Tax Clinic happens each March. All of the information for this year's Tax Clinic can be found at For more details, email
- The School of Accounting also provides handy tax tips for students
- Graduate students will find helpful tax information on the GSA website.
If you have questions about your tax return, please contact a tax specialist near you. International students may also find this Canada Revenue Agency information helpful.